Chapter twenty-nine

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29. Back to the future

       Castiel woke up, breathing heavily. The first thing he noticed was how tired he felt, how worn out. He was laying on a cold ground, his back aching. Looking around, he noticed Sam and Dean instantly. He frowned, immediately realising that they looked ten years older than they did before.

       "Cas! How are you feeling buddy?" Dean asked. Castiel realised how much pain he had buried behind his eyes. What was going on? And why did he call him buddy?

       "I'm fine, just tired. What happened?" Dean and Sam shared a worried look, making him look at them warily. "Guys?"

       "You were under the spell of a Djinn. We didn't know how it effected you so strongly, you know since you're an angel. You didn't wake up, even though we ganked the son of a bitch."

       Suddenly, it all came back to Castiel. He remembered rescuing Dean from hell, meeting him in that barn, rebelling from heaven, the apocalypse, him betraying the Winchesters, the leviathans, the work of God, Metatron, all the angels falling, him being human, him getting back his grace. Everything. What scared him, was the fact that his grace was barely there. He felt as human as he used to be. Again.

       "Doesn't a Djinn create an 'apple pie' life for his victims?" Castiel asked. Dean looked at him weirdly.

       "Since when do you talk so- normal?" Sam asked, beating Dean into it. Castiel shrugged.

       "I guess my life back there was really different, but it wasn't all good. I was rarely happy. Besides, I barely feel my grace. Are you sure we're dealing with a Djinn?"

       "Yeah, about that. What exactly happened in your dream world?" Dean asked, his eyebrows raised. Castiel pursed his lips. How could he just tell them that the Djinn made him fall in love with Dean. However, maybe he had always loved the hunter.

       "Nothing of importance," Castiel replied. By the shock on the Winchester's faces, they must have noticed how cold the tone of his got. The angel sighed, his expression sobering once again. "Sam and I were roommates. I was human, depressed. I died in a car crash and woke up."

       "Well, you're right. That doesn't seem like a Djinn's work. We'll research it later, but first we need to get you cleaned up," Sam said, patting his shoulder lightly.

       "I would like some food first, if you don't mind," Castiel replied, raising his eyebrow at the taller hunter. Sam blushed slightly, while Dean smirked.

       "Awesome. Well, lets go."

       That's how the three of them ended up in a diner not far from the place where the Djinn kept Castiel. Much to the Winchester's surprise, Castiel socialised with the waitress and ordered a burger himself. They just watched as he eagerly bit in his burger.

       "Are you sure you're OK, Cas?" Dean asked, squinting his eyes. Castiel smiled lightly, due to the food in his mouth.

       "I'm fine, Dean. My time in Djinn land must have effected my behaviour, that's all," he replied, covering his mouth with his hand while he spoke. Except for the chewing, there ruled a silence over the bench.

        "So, you dealt with depression?" Sam asked, after clearing his throat. Castiel's content feeling seemed to disappear as soon as it had arrived when he woke up. He shot them a quick smile before desperately paying attention to his food.

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