Chapter Thirty-three

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33. It's no story without a Star Wars reference

        It was hours later when Castiel and Dean, who were laying in each other's arms, woke up by the fluttering of wings. The moment Dean opened his eyes, he was met with those significant blue eyes, not realising their current position. When he did, he hurriedly pulled away from the sleepy Castiel. The ex-angel whined but hugged a pillow instead, closing his eyes again. Although Dean thought he looked absolutely adorable, he was too busy freaking out. How in God's name did they end up like that. He was caught off guard by the sound of someone snickering behind him. When he turned around, he was met by a smug looking Gabriel.

       "What are you laughing at?" Dean snapped, earning another - very annoying - laugh from the archangel. All Dean did was glare.

       "You should've seen your face, Dean-o. Normally, I would say 'you look like you saw a ghost,' but I guess that's not really a good comparison. I'm surprised that you haven't peed your pants yet." Again, Gabriel laughed, wiping away a fake tear. Lets just say that if looks could kill angels, the archangel would have been a pile of dust on the ground.

       "Why are you here anyways, Gabriel?" he replied, irritation clear in his voice. The archangel raised his right eyebrow.

       "Can't I look after my little brother? I'm the one who saved his ass in the first place," he replied, instantly making Dean feel bad. His annoyance was replaced by sadness. Gabriel, who noticed this, sighed and patted the hunter's shoulder.

       "Don't take this too hard on yourself. The past is the past, and he's still alive." Dean knew that Gabriel meant to make him feel better, but it didn't help one single bit. He shot him a forced smile.

       "Yeah. I'm gonna make him breakfast." After that, the hunter had left the room. Gabriel watched the door with a smirk. What a showoff. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Castiel waking up again. He patiently waited until the man was fully conscious and would realise he was there and real.

       "Gabriel?" The words were mere a whisper in the air, but clear in the archangel's ears. He smiled cheekily, posing.

       "The one and only," he replied, smirking down at his now human brother. Deep down, he was happy to see his brother in this state; alive and well.


       "I was dead, yes I know. I guess we're just Daddy's favourites," he winked. His facade dropped when Castiel didn't show any emotion. He was used to this with Angel Castiel, not with his human version. He sat down on the comfortable bed, as Castiel sat up. What he didn't expect was the hug he was pulled in seconds later. The archangel let out a surprised yelp, before returning the act. When they pulled away a minute later, he sat opposite of Castiel, his legs crossed. "So, what are you feeling?"

       "You're asking me what depression feels like?" The ex-angel raised his eyebrow. Gabriel nodded his head almost eagerly.

       "Yes," he replied, earning a weird look from his brother. For a moment it was silent, while Castiel thought and Gabriel waited.

       "I guess, what I experienced from my time under the spell of the Djinn, that it's not just one feeling. In my case, I guess it's- do you know what guilt feels like?" Gabriel shook his head, making Castiel roll his eyes. "Of course you wouldn't. It feels like I've done something terrible that was not allowed, and it's not just for a moment that I feel this guilt; it's more like every second. On top of that, it feels ten times as bad and the negative voices in my head don't really help either. Put that together with heartbreak and the weight of all the awful things you've done as an angel. That's it, I guess," Castiel spoke, shrugging.

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