Chapter thirteen

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13. Who said love was perfect?

       It had been a week and a half since Bobby and Dean left. Sam had tried to call them to let them know Castiel was OK, but neither of them answered their phones. It worried Sam like hell, yet he never told Castiel. He was sure that the man would break and he couldn't do that.

       Speaking of Castiel, after their kind of one sided conversation, he started to talk more. It weren't full and long sentences, but he was slowly opening up. Sam was proud of him. In the mean time, he also made Castiel eat more. It was definitely noticeable that the man gained weight, but in exchange Sam encouraged him to work out. They went on a run each morning, which compensated the new amount of food.

       Not only did they go on small hunts, but the man was actually creating muscles quite fast. Since there wasn't much to do and Castiel knew how to handle weapons, he spent a lot of time working out. In just a week time, he had visible abs, surprising Sam.

       Although the man seemed more confident around Sam, he never took off his sweater when he was around. Sam couldn't say he was surprised, as it was still a big part of his life. Furthermore, life was getting better for Castiel and Sam felt proud.

       Sam was just teaching Castiel how to make spaghetti, when a familiar purr of an engine could be heard, as the car pulled up the driveway. Castiel gave Sam a wide eyed look, mumbling something unintelligible under his breath before running off. When the man was out of sight, Sam sighed in relief. They were safe.

       Castiel practically ran out of the front door, seeing Dean help out a limping and swearing Bobby. He himself had barely gotten hurt, except for a few claw marks on his cheek. Bobby had probably bruised his leg. The older man pushed him off, leaning against the Impala. Dean rolled his eyes at the stubbornness of the father figure, but forgot all about it when a weight jumped on him.

       He gruntled in surprise, catching whoever jumped on him. When he saw the familiar mob of black hair, his surprised look changed into fondness. He put the man down gently, seeing how happy he looked. His eyes were the most blue he had ever seen, life shining in them.

       "You gained weight," he declared, a smile on his face. Castiel rolled his eyes but smiled back. Their hands were intertwined, as they stood close.

       "You're a dick for leaving," Castiel replied, taking Dean off guard with the words. He said it with such simplicity, that he wondered what happened while he was gone. A surprised laugh escaped his mouth.

       One of Castiel's hands found the back of Dean's neck, sending shivers down his spine. The slightly taller man wondered what he was doing, before a pair of soft lips were pressed against his. He didn't even hesitate to kiss back, wrapping his arms around Castiel's waist.

       The kiss was simple and unmoving, but it meant so much more. Dean tilted his head slightly, gently moving his lips against Castiel's. He knew that the man was unexperienced, so he took it slow. Castiel followed his lead, smiling lightly when Dean hummed in appreciation.

       Castiel blushed brightly when they pulled away, their arms never leaving their current position. Dean smiled brightly, looking at the shy man in front of him.

       "What was that for?" he asked, his voice low yet teasing. Castiel shrugged, still blushing.

        "I wanted to," he said. If possible, the smile on Dean's face got even wider. "And I wanted to let you know that it wasn't your fault. Sam told me your life story."

       The smile was wiped off his face instantly, as a frown took its place. He leaned his chin on Castiel's shoulder, pulling him close. "Don't you ever do that to me again, OK?" His voice cracked. The black haired man pulled him closer.

         "I'm sorry," he mumbled quietly. Dean pulled away and cupped Castiel's cheeks. He could feel the slight stubble underneath his hands as two blue, guilty eyes connected with his glinstering green ones.

       "Cas, listen to me. I shouldn't have acted the way I did and I sure as hell should've told you about our - issues. Do you know how it felt when you lost consciousness? I thought I lost you, because of a stupid mistake I made. Don't you dare to say sorry," he said. Castiel sighed.

       "I wanted to kill myself," he said, after a moment of silence. Dean looked at him in concern. "That's why I went to visit my brothers, to say goodbye. If you and Sam had not been there, I probably would have, but I didn't. You are like family."

       He was surprised when Dean pressed their lips together again, almost desperately. Castiel kissed back, after gasping silently. For a moment, he forgot about all bad that had happened, melting underneath Dean's touch.

       That was until Bobby interrupted them.

       "Alright, it started out really cute and all, but can you at least help me inside? I ain't no twenty anymore, you know. Idjits," he mumbled, making Castiel giggle. Dean may or may not have found the sound adorable.

       Both men grabbed an arm, leading him inside. Sam had just finished dinner, putting it on the table. When he saw us, he took Castiel's place, as both Winchester brothers laid him down on the couch.

       "What happened?" he asked, pulling a pocket knife out of his back pocket. He cut through the material carefully to have a look.

       "I'm getting old is what happened. One of those son of a bitches threw me against the wall, kicking my leg," he muttered. Sam burst out laughing, only pissing the grumpy man off more. He flinched when he saw the swollen, bruised leg.

        "Yep. It's definitely bruised, if not broken. That means no hunting and no walking," he said. The older man crossed his arms in defeat.

       "Balls," he grumbled. Castiel tilted his head slightly at the weird way to use the word.

       "Yeah, Bobby. Listen to mommy Samantha," Dean teased from behind the couch. It made Castiel giggle again, before he slammed a hand on his mouth to hide it. Dean winked at him, before looking back at Sam, who had a small smirk on his face.


       After that, Sam began to chase Dean through the house, as their laughter could be heard. Bobby didn't even seem to care about the whole scene and grabbed a newspaper, leaning back on the couch. A ghost of a smile haunted Castiel's lips, as he realised that Sam's words were actually true. When Dean was around, Sam looked more happy. Dean had looked exhausted and done, stepping out of that car earlier. When he saw Castiel, it didn't even seem to matter.

       Maybe Sam was right. There were two ways this journey could end. It scared him to think of the worse way, where he would lose everything. Then again, he was almost sure that it was already too late. After all, he had spoken to them, showed them his family and was he falling in love with Dean Winchester.

       Life was definitely easier the way it used to be. But then again, what is easy?

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