Chapter fourteen

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14. Back to school

- trigger warning at the end of the chapter! -

       Castiel dreaded this day.

       He had tried so many times to walk away, to pretend to be in hibernation for the rest of the day. He even tried to hide under his bed, only to be pulled back to reality. Sam was losing his patience, standing in the doorway.

       "Come on, Cas. You've survived school for years. Don't you think you can add some more?" he asked, slightly annoyed. Castiel groaned and threw on a beanie. He grabbed his bag and followed the tall man, who he learned to call his friend now.

        As they made their way towards the crowded halls, he thought back to the last couple of days. After Dean and Bobby came home, Dean had insisted that both Sam and Castiel needed to go to school. It had been an interesting discussion.

       "Dean, I don't want to go back to school," he mumbled quietly. Dean chuckled, kissing his head. Castiel pouted, making a puppy dog face. Dean did the same, resulting them to chuckle.

       "Too bad. You won't only be safe, but also get smart. I like smart men," Dean replied. Castiel slapped his chest in embarrassment. Dean kissed him softly.

       "No more of that either, then," Castiel folded his arms, knowing it was a good argument. Dean looked hesitant for a moment, before a mischievous look crossed his face. Castiel shook his head as a warning, but it was already too late. Dean had lifted him up, so that he was sitting on the counter and began to place kisses all over the man's face, who burst out laughing. The last kiss was planted on his mouth, lasting longer than the previous kisses.

       "I'll just have to come by once Bobby's leg is healed, then. Education is important, Cas," the man mumbled against Castiel's lips. The 22-years old man smiled fondly, pulling Dean in a hug.

       "I'll miss you, Dean," he replied. The man hugged back tightly, kissing his shoulder.

       "I'll miss you, too. Please call or text me when something's wrong." Dean felt Castiel's head move, signalling a yes. He smiled as he let go. "Off you go."

       "Message me when they are bugging you," Sam said, breaking Castiel's thoughts. He looked up at the tall man, nodding quickly. It seemed like his voice was trapped inside his mouth once he arrived at school. Again. Sam hugged him quickly, before going in another direction.

       Castiel was now on his own, immediately feeling intimidated and self conscious in the seemingly growing hall. He took a deep breath and walked towards the familiar classroom. When he arrived, nobody was there yet. Mrs. Milton noticed him immediately and gasped.

       "Castiel! Where have you been?" she asked, concern laced in his tone. He shrugged, walking towards the back of the class, to his regular seat. He sat down and wanted to lay down his books, when he saw the words written on his table.



Even your name tells you to die


       It went on like that, dozens of words scrabbled down in different kinds of handwritings. How they had done it in just a month while noticing him just once, he didn't know. He just knew that the happy feeling he had had for a moment, dropped like a bag of bricks and his old, depressive self came poking around the corner. To make it even worse, the other students came in.

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