Chapter eighteen

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18. A walk among the field

       It had been two weeks since Castiel and Dean's hunting experience. Castiel's bruises from being thrown against the wall and the cut on his forehead were healing nicely, yet Dean wanted to take care of him. It was now spring break, meaning that Sam was currently on his way to Bobby's for a visit.

       The younger Winchester had tried to call his brother a few times, but the elder Winchester hadn't responded. When Castiel also didn't pick up the phone, he rung Bobby.

       "Hey Bobby, have you heard from Dean and Cas?" he asked, as soon as the older man had picked up the call.

       "These idjits? I believe they went on a date," Bobby replied, his voice sounding disgusted, yet held a teasing tone.

       "Dean and dating? What happened these past months?" Sam laughed, slamming the door of his now single dorm shut. Bobby let out a low chuckle himself. "Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm driving your way now since there are no classes for a week."

       "You know you're always welcome, son," Bobby replied, making Sam smile.

       "Thanks, Bobby."

       While their conversation ended, Castiel and Dean were walking around the field where they had been once before. Only this time, there was no shooting and no fight leading to suicide attempts. Their hands were laced together, as they slowly moved around the peaceful field.

       "Tell me something about your childhood," Dean mumbled, rubbing his thumb against the back of the other man's hand. He looked over to the now frowning Castiel. "It's OK, you don't have to if you're not ready."

       "No, it's alright," Castiel reassured, a small smile playing on his lips. "You may not know him that way, but Gabriel has always quite the trickster. Lucifer once told me that when I was only a week old, Gabe laid me in a bath full of glitters. Our parents were absolutely pissed. Gabriel, only being three years old, had just giggled and screamed 'rainbow'.

       "The tricks got more aggravating and got out of hand when he grew older. He dyed my mother's hair yellow once and filled my locker with a colouring exploding powder. When I opened it, I was covered in the powdery substance, ironically rainbow colours again. Although everybody teased me for years, these tricks never failed to crack me up,"

       Dean let out a low chuckle, while Castiel was looking into the distance with a fond smile on his face. He could imagine Castiel being covered in rainbow glitter.

      "So, what about you?"


       "Yeah, it's your turn now," Castiel said cheekily.

       "A childhood story? Well, ever since our mom died, my father was desperate to find the demon that killed him. We moved around frequently, spending the nights in crappy motels. When I was nine and Sammy was around five years old, dad promised to be back from a hunt by Christmas. Deep down I knew he wasn't going to keep that promise, but I held my hopes up.

       "Sam kept asking me about presents and when dad was coming back, but he never showed. So, in the middle of the night I snuck out of the motel room and stole something from a gas 'n sip nearby. I had wrapped it horribly and put it on the edge of his bed. The next morning he had shaken me awake, absolutely thrilled.

       "He had opened it and burst out laughing. Apparently I hadn't thought it through and stole him a barbie doll. He figured that our father hadn't shown up and was pretty disappointed, but we played around with that stupid doll the whole day. Well, we threw it around, cut its hair off and flushed it multiple times, but I believe it's the most amazing Christmas I've ever had."

       Much to his surprise, Castiel began laughing loudly, making him pout and mumble out a 'what'. Castiel just kept laughing, clutching his stomach.

       "You stole a fricking barbie doll. Oh my god you're hilarious," he breathed out breathlessly. Dean blushed, watching the man fall on the ground in laughter. He couldn't help but laugh too, because seeing Castiel laugh was rare and he would be lying if he said that his laugh wasn't contagious.

       A - very manly - yelp escaped his mouth when he was pulled on the ground, landing on top of the laughing man, who let out a muffling sound by the added weight. Slowly but surely, their laughter died down as they stared at each other.

       "You should smile more," Dean mumbled, tracing Castiel's left cheek with his right thumb. His big blue eyes stared up at him, his lips slightly parted. A blush creeped up his neck, all the way up to his cheeks.

       "Yeah?" Castiel mumbled back, his voice even lower than usual. Dean traced his thumb down to the other man's lips, looking deep in thought, distracted even. Dean did only reply with a approving hum, his eyes meeting with Castiel's once again. Castiel tilted his head slightly, brushing his lips against Dean's teasingly. His hands were trapped by the weight of the other man still on him, but he didn't mind. Dean leaned down to kiss him formally. The kiss was slow and simple, but it made it more special.

       "I'm so proud of you," Dean said in between kisses. Castiel departed their lips, watching how Dean opened his eyes slowly.


       "You've come so far. I mean, it seems like yesterday that we met. You've changed so much in the last few months. You have been through so much and held onto the pain longer than anyone could have. I'm just so proud of you for not giving up and opening up to us. Fuck, I love you." Dean cut of his rambling by speaking the three words loud and clear. It was the first time he spoke the words, so they felt foreign on his lips. It didn't make the moment less special, though.

       "I love you too, Dean," Castiel mumbled fondly, before pressing their lips together once again. This time, his arms found their way up Dean's back, his cold fingers touching the cold skin underneath the old Led Zeppelin shirt he was wearing. Dean's elbows were leaning next to both sides of Castiel's face, holding himself up slightly so he wouldn't suffocate the man. His hands, because of the slightly uncomfortable position, found their way to Castiel's hair and neck.

       They stayed for that for what seemed like hours, before the rumbling of colliding clouds echoed through the sky, followed by thick drops of rain. Gasping, they pulled away and ran all the way towards Bobby's place. Even though they were completely soaked, they couldn't help but laugh. Their laughter was cut off shortly when two towels and bits of clothing were thrown their way, hitting them in their faces.

       Bobby, being the one who threw the towels and clothes, looked at the couple fondly. It was rare to see Dean this happy, but in the old man's point of view, he deserved it. When Dean caught him staring, he quickly went back to his known, moody self.

       "Well, what are you waiting for? Dry yourselves off! I don't want my house all wet and dirty. Oh, and Sam's coming over tomorrow, so clean your room."

       While Castiel began to dry his hair and Dean took off his shirt, Bobby turned around and walked up the stairs.

       Only then, the proud smile returned.

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