Chapter twenty-five

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25. Conversations with Lucifer

"So, you are my brother's knight in shining armour," Lucifer spoke up. Castiel was fast asleep next to him, making Dean smile slightly. He then turned to look at the eldest Novak brother, shrugging.

"I guess. We're going through a rough phase right now." Dean mumbled, the small smile on his face fading. Lucifer raised an eyebrow, his eyes almost screaming protectively. His words interested Gabriel, who also turned to look at him. He too liked to hear the full story.

       "Yeah, about that. A full explanation would be appreciated, Winchester," he said, giving him the same raised eyed, protective eyes expression. You could definitely see they were brothers.

       "Well, we might as well get Lucifer up to date first," Dean answered Gabriel, who rolled his eyes.

       "What do you think about monsters?" Sam asked. To be honest, Dean had completely forgotten about his brother. He had been too busy staring at the black haired sleeping beauty on the hospital bed and Sam hadn't exactly spoken a lot. It was safe to say that his heart started beating faster by the sudden voice behind him.

       Damn it, Sammy.

       "They're awesome. Wish they were real though. Would that mean I could be the actual devil?" Lucifer spoke, wiggling his eyebrows. Dean blinked a few times. He wondered how the eldest Novak could hold so much childishness inside, while Castiel acted so formal.

       "Well, that was easy," Dean looked at his tall little brother sarcastically. "Lucky for you, monsters are very real, and no! The devil is locked in the cage and is an angel. Last time I checked you're human. Anyways, my little brother Sam and I hunt the monsters that scare people at night. You could see it as a family business."

       "Why doesn't that surprise me," Lucifer smirked. "Although I can't shake the feeling that you're shitting with me, but go on. How did Cassie enter the scene?"

       "I've been taking a break from hunting and decided to finish college. Cas was my roommate. Him being mute and just so broken didn't exactly make us get along well. He met Dean soon after. When he told us what happened, he had a breakdown. We visited you, then went to Bobby's for a case. That's where we trained Cas. He's a natural btw," Sam started, telling the story as short as he could.

        "-and he looks damn hot when he's armed," Dean interrupted, getting glares in return. He smiled sheepishly. "What? It's true!Anyways, Sam took him back to college, where he got beaten up. Sam brought him back and I continued to train him. We went on a few cases together."

       "The last case we went on is where it went wrong. A shapeshifter held a grudge against me and wanted to hurt me. So it shifted into me and made it seem like I was cheating on him. I was knocked out at the time. When I tried to prove my innocence, he ran off and got kidnapped by the king off hell. We saved him in time and then you called."

       When Dean ended the story, it was silent. The only thing that could be heard was Castiel's sight snoring. In Dean's eyes, that was adorable. Sam let out a small chuckle because of Dean's nonchalant choice of words. In the mean time, Lucifer was gaping at the Winchesters and Gabriel had a pensive look on his face.

       "Dude. Your lives are fucked up," Lucifer said, loud enough not to wake his younger brother. Pursing his lips and raising his eyebrows, Dean nodded in agreement. "That's awesome!"

       "It's not so awesome if you live it," Sam admitted. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket and smiled awkwardly. Silence took over the room.

"Did Cas forgive you?" Lucifer asked out of nowhere, catching Dean's attention. The hunter let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

       "Not really. He's been through so much, I understand that seeing that effected him. I wouldn't be happy either. I hope that he will, though. I love him too much to let him go," Dean said sadly. He made a weird face after saying that, as it wasn't something he'd say. He heard Sam snort behind him, staring at him amusedly when he turned around.

       "OK, you better believe him. I've never seen this chick-flick side of him," Sam said, turning towards the older Novak brothers. Dean felt his cheeks heat up and looked down, mumbling a shut up.

       "Luci?" Everyone looked over to the hospital bed, where Castiel's breathing was uneven again, signalling that he was awake. Even though his voice was low as always, it sounded fragile and broken. Lucifer was looking down at his little brother.

       "Yes, Cassie?"

       "I'm sorry for everything," he spoke, his voice cracking. Dean almost stood up to hug the man, but obviously Lucifer beat him into it. If Dean wouldn't know that they were brothers, he'd be jealous of the way Lucifer held Castiel. Of course, he wanted to hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright, but he understood he couldn't always be that one.

       "Let me tell you something, Castiel Novak. If that night would happen again, or if I could start it over, every time I'd choose this path. It's not your fault that our bastard of a father is a homophobic prick. If anything, I'd have to say sorry for reassuring you that coming out was a good idea. I honestly had no idea it would end up so horribly," Lucifer replied softly. Castiel seemed to calm down slightly.

       "That's what Dean keeps saying. That it isn't my fault." Dean's head shot up by those words, his eyes wide. Did Castiel know he was still in the same room? Lucifer looked at Dean with a little smirk, before turning back to his brother.

       "So, Dean, huh," Lucifer wiggled his eyebrows. The way Castiel seemed to cuddle up to his brother even more, made it pretty clear that he was blushing. "Does he make you happy?"

       "Although we're not on best terms right now, yes. He makes me really happy." Castiel spoke quietly, so it was hard to hear his reply. Lucifer shot another look towards Dean, now seeing a happy glint behind his tired looking, green eyes.

       "Good," he replied, not looking away from the freckled man. His stare was almost a warning one. In the mean time, Gabriel and Sam were merely listening to their conversation, not daring to intervene. It was clear that the man didn't know there were more people in the room.

       "What are you looking at?" Castiel asked, his voice still raspy from sleeping. Gabriel let out a snicker, making the injured man turn around. When realising that he wasn't alone with his eldest brother, his cheeks burned up again.


       Slowly, Castiel pushed himself up, ignoring the complaints from everyone in the room. He limped his way towards Dean, who didn't dare to even blink. This whole hospital visit had been special, and he didn't know what to expect next. That's why he certainly didn't expect Castiel to grab the collar of his leather jacket forcefully and kiss him roughly. He made a surprised noise, his eyes widening in shock. That only lasted for a few seconds, because he realised how much he missed those lips on his. 

       "Guys, come on! There are more people in here!" Gabriel shouted, his horrified expression matching Lucifer's and Sam's. He reached out and covered Sam's eyes, as he was the one standing closest to him. Dean and Castiel pulled away slowly, not looking away once they had opened their eyes.

       Although this day had been weird, both men felt like things were going to be OK again.


A/N: sorry for the bad chapter! Next one will be better! *wiggles eyebrows*

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