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Harry woke with a start in the hospital wing.
He noticed quickly that he wasn't alone. Harry quickly found his glasses and pushed them onto his face.
Draco Malfoy laid in the bed opposite him with a look of discomfort on his face.

Harry felt a tingle shoot through his entire body as soon as his eyes met Draco's.

"You look like the dead Potter." Malfoy slurred slight concern could be heard in his voice

"So do you Malfoy." Harry mumbled getting angry

"Yes. I'm aware. I've just come into an inheritance not many know I had." Draco sighed

"A creature inheritance?" Harry asked immediately

"Veela yes." Draco stated curtly. "What's troubling you?"

"Not sure. I felt a blinding pain run down my spine. Almost like it was shifting." Harry stated

"Shifting spine? Hmm maybe I'm not the only one with a creature inheritance." Draco screwed his eyes shut with the last word.

"What creature could that-- werewolves." Harry murmured

"Werewolves. Yes. Could dear Professor Lupin have bitten his best mates boy?"

"I don't think so." Harry shook his head still unsure of what was happening.

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