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On his way back to Gryffindor tower Seamus Finnagain stopped Harry to talk.

"I need to talk to you about these rumors." Seamus said

"About me and Malfoy?" Harry guessed

"Yeah um look I know Gryffindor is really excepting I wanted you to know you're not the only one with nontraditional inter-house  relations. I've never told anyone but my parents so if you could just please keep it to yourself? "

"You didn't need to tell me that Seamus. But I'm glad I have your support in this." harry told the nervous boy
"I'm only telling because my Boyfriend is helping yours deal with their housemates." Seamus chuckled

"Well I'm glad Draco has some support. Have I missed anything big?" Harry asked as he saw a group of Gryffindors coming their way

"Well Dean found some old dung bombs and well the dormitory didn't have a pleasant smell for a few days afterwards." Seamus smiled

"Those things must have been ripe." Harry shivered just thinking about what it must've smelled like

"They were. Ron slept in the common room for two days. Neville didn't mind it. Said it reminded him of a plant he found back home." Seamus said

"Anything else?" Harry asked

"Well I'm sure you know about Hermione and Neville. Ron was going to ask Luna to hogsmead next weekend. Don't know if he has yet." Seamus said

"I didn't know about Ron and Luna." He smiled

"I just found out this morning when Neville told me." Seamus shrugged

"Wow. Never would've thought about it. Didn't seem like he was interested in her much." Harry shook his head

"I don't know Mate. I don't know." Seamus shook his head

"Hi Seamus!" A third year Gryffindor by the name of Victoria Morrison giggled as they walked past

Seamus gave a small smile but didn't answer her.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Harry asked once she was out of ear shot

"Yes. I just don't think I'm ready for Theo's family name to be dragged through the mud because of me." Seamus confessed

"Don't worry.I'm sure with time you'll both be ready to tell everyone. After all you're happy right?" Harry asked


"And Theo's happy?"


"That's all that should matter then." Harry told him

"I guess you're right.  I wonder if you and Draco would let us tag along to hogsmead next weekend go as a group?" Seamus asked

"I don't think it will be a problem for us. I'll check with Draco and let you know." Harry smiled

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