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Once Hermione and Ron had returned to school the whole house got quite. Remus was studying up on the subjects he would be teaching Harry and Draco. Sirius was pouting because Remus wasn't giving him enough attention. Narcissa and Molly were having cooking lessons in the kitchen. The boys were basically left to themselves for a few days.

They could be found normally in the library. Draco was reading some of the muggle books Hermione had gave him.

"What are we reading today?" Harry smiled sitting in the armchair across from Draco.

"Still on Great Expectations." Draco looked up from the book. "Mother is going to bake a cake for lunch. Chocolate frosting."

"Homemade frosting?" Harry asked

"I think so. She's very excited. Glad she's finally getting to cook. She's always wanted to." Draco said

"I'm glad she has a good hobby. Maybe when we go back to the burrow we can all have a nice long game of quidditch.. Three on three teams. Get the twins to come. What do you think?"Harry asked
"I think that's a wonderful idea. I think everyone would enjoy it as a celebration when this trial is over." Draco smiled

"It is a good idea. Something your father would suggest." Remus appeared in the doorway. "Not gonna be a bad way of celebrating. I think Arthur Molly and Narcissa would love to watch us play. Make a tournament of it maybe."

"You play?" Draco asked

"Not very well. I've been told I make a pretty good chaser but I never tried for the house team in school." Remus shrugged "besides James didn't need me and Sirius distracting him on the pitch."

"This will be fun. Maybe Hermione's parents would come. We could get Neville and Luna out here as well I'm sure." Harry said

"Ask Hermione what she likes of it." Draco said

"I will. I write Neville ask him if he'd like to come watch as well. Of course I'll tell Ron. I think I'll get started on those letters after lunch." Harry smiled

"Have you got any lessons ready for us?" Draco asked looking at Remus

"I've got a charms lesson prepared for you. If you're up for it."

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