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Draco made his way to the great hall at a steady pace trying to push down the nervous anger in his stomach.Before sitting down at the far end of the table Draco waved to Harry. Harry smiled and waved back noticing something was off. Draco tried to play it off to keep Harry from worrying but he knew it was to late for that. Harry already picked up on it.

Draco filled his plate just as the morning mail started being delivered. To Draco's surprise he got a letter dropped into his lap.

As Draco opened it he recognized the handwriting. Harry wrote him a letter.



I know it may not be easy for you right now. Just know that I'm here for you anytime you need me. I will listen. I know you have at least one friend to support you. I just thought you could use a little good cheer so I hope this helps you keep a clear head. I know we're both horribly nervous about this relationship so we'll have to learn boundaries as we go. I've come up with something we can do to tell each other what we're comfortable with without having to worry about the blushing and stuttering. It will also give us something to think about during the day. Let me know if I have your curiosity? -HP

Draco smiled to himself at the letter.  Draco quickly pulled out a spare bit of parchment and his quit and ink. 


Thank you. I really needed a pick me up this morning. You have my attention. Tell me you idea. I'll be waiting to hear it. -DM

Draco sent the reply with the owl and tucked the quil and ink back into his bag along with Harry's note. 

Draco smiled as he watched the snowy white owl land on Harry's shoulder. Harry looked up at Draco with a smile on his face. 

Draco started to eat his breakfast eagerly awaiting Harry's response. 

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