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A few days had gone by before Draco heard anything of the trial. An owl swooped down and dropped a letter in his lap at breakfast.
Draco recognized his mother's handwriting on the back of the envelope.

Draco quickly opened it and read:


Things are looking good for us as it stands. We've began to build up the case as much as we can in hopes that he gets the full extent of his crimes.  I know he's probably building up his case as well. I know things will be rough for you for a while. Don't worry. All we need is a strong case. From you we need whatever you saw when he had people over. The artifacts he sold in your second year. Everything.
Say Hello to Harry for me. Tell him what we need from you. Don't be scared to tell him how you're feeling about all this. He wants to help you. I expect to come see you during next Hogsmead weekend with Sirius.


Draco folded the letter and tucked it in his pocket before carrying on with his meal.

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