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Harry felt much better through the rest of the day knowing that Draco had a great friend looking out for him while Harry couldn't.
"Harry you okay?" Ron asked getting his attention
"Hm oh yeah yeah. I'm good. Just thinking about what life is going to be like now."
"Do you reckon Sirius will want you to move in with them now?"
"Definitely. Remus was hinting at it in the last letter I got from them before everything happened anyway." Harry said

"I'm sure Remus will want to be keeping a close eye on you. Now that you've started to come into your creature traits. It's not going to be easy for him. Watching you go through all this." Hermione said

"You're right about that. He's not going to have a good time blaming himself for it. I just hope he realizes that this was just fate." Harry shrugged

"That's one way of looking at it." Ron smiled

"That's a good attitude to have about this."

"I've learned that everything happens for a reason. Not matter what reason it is. Accepting it is better than throwing myself into depression." Harry sighed

"We wouldn't know what to do with you." Hermione shook her head

"We barely know what to do with him half the time Hermione." Ron said

"I wasn't going to say that."

"I know I'm a handful Mione. You don't have to sugarcoat anything for me." Harry said

"Do you think Sirius will be happy with you staying there?" Ron asked

"He'll be excited. He's wanted me to come live with them since we got his name cleared. Remus thought we shouldn't push things just then. Then things came up. We didn't have the opportunity to talk to Dumbledore about it." Harry said

"It will be good for the three of you. They'll feel like they've done right by your dad if you live with them." Hermione said

"She's right. They still kinda blame themselves for trusting Wormtail." Ron said

"It's not there fault. Dad trusted him too." Harry sighed "besides Sirius and Remus would've always been like my uncles if that night hadn't happened. It's only right that I stay with them now."

"Do you need to mail anything before it gets too dark?" Ron asked "I have to send mum a letter telling her how you are anyhow."

"Um yeah I just have to get it out of my bag." Harry nodded and reached down to pick up his bag.

He took the bit of parchment out of the cover of the book and stood to walk with Ron.

"Need to mail anything Mione?" Harry asked looking at the girl
She was already reading who knows what again.

"No. Already done. You two go have some best friend time." She said not looking up at them

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