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Harry sat still waiting for his friends while Mrs. Weasley and Draco's mother sat getting to know each other.

"Mrs. Weasley sorry to intrude but  um do you think that you could keep Ron a little stable when we tell him?" Harry asked standing to walk towards Draco.

"Oh of course Harry dear." Mrs Weasley smiled at him.

"You know Draco I think you need to apologize to both of them. I will explain your father's rage if you had befriended them. But you must apologize to them yourself."  Narcissa told her son

"I will. They may not be too understanding about it. I'm sure they'll try but I will apologize. I never wanted to be the bully like that monster." Draco  said as Harry stood next to his bed.

"Don't work yourself up just yet." Harry put his hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Sorry. I just I know what he must have done when he found out. I'm not stupid. Even if she got herself healed before they got here. I know how he is." Draco told him

"It wasn't as bad as it could've been." Narcissa whispered

"Now you don't need to worry about him any longer." Harry said

"You're so very supportive Harry. I wouldn't want anyone else for him." Narcissa said

Harry smiled and thanked her.

"What's going on? McGonagall said that you need to see---- Mum what are you doing here?!" Ron's voice made Harry and Draco jump.

"Ron stop your shouting." Hermione said "Harry care to explain?"

"Um I think it's better if you start Draco." Harry looked at him

"Right." Draco nodded and took a deep breath. "Okay. Look I know I've been a huge prat to the both of you for years. I'm sorry. My father well I'll say this. That sick monster would've burned me alive if I had befriended you."

"Okay someone tell me why he's all the sudden apologizing?" Ron asked

"Of for Christ sake Ron your dense. He's Harry's mate!" Hermione said.

"Wh- what?" Ron looked at Harry.

"How did you know?" Harry asked

"She really does her homework." Draco chuckled

"I'm not as oblivious as someone people think I am."

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