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Harry sat eating his breakfast as the mail came in. He smiled knowing his note was being delivered to Draco. Draco seemed to be in need of a good cheer.

"What are you all smiley about?" Ron nudged him

"The letter I wrote Draco. He seems like he could really use a good cheer right now. I hope that does the trick for him." Harry smiled

"Well I'd say from that smile on his face he's pretty happy about whatever you put in the letter." Hermione giggled

Harry glanced up to see Draco packing up his quil and ink. Hedwig flew straight to him landing on his shoulder. Harry beamed as he took the scrap of parchment from the owl and thanked her.

Harry read the note and smiled to himself. He'd write back later in class and send it with the morning mail. He folded the parchment neatly and tucked it in his trouser pocket.

"Anything you wanna share?" Hermione asked

"Nothing to share. He liked what I wrote and asked how things were going for me." Harry said

"Hm well I hope things are better for him the rest of the day." Hermione sighed wistfully as Neville took a seat in front of her.

"Morning all."Neville smiled brightly

"Mornin Neville." Harry smiled

"Good Morning." Hermione grinned

"Hullo Neville." Ron mumbled

"How's your arm?" Hermione asked ignoring Ron and Harry

"All fixed up." Neville said cheerfully bending his left arm twice as if lifting weights
"Good." Hermione nodded and passed Neville a player of eggs

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