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Harry sat back in bed as Draco laid down to try to sleep.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked

"Just thinking."


"Everything. How everyone else will react. What the papers will be saying. Soon enough we'll be dealing with all sorts of ridiculous rumors about how things happened and with your father being most likely the one spilling the story who knows what they'll say."  Harry sighed

"You should be used to ridiculous rumors by now though. I mean last year and the year before." Draco said

"The rumors are easy to ignore when nobody believes them. after last year I don't know what people will believe." Harry shrugged it off

"Oh.....I guess you're right. Do you think it's going to be a big thing?" Draco asked

"I can almost see the headline 'Boy Who lived comes out to the world' not exactly what I'd call good news but it would sell."

"I guess expecting it takes away some of the surprise"

"It does. I'm just wondering what they'll come up with honestly."

"How out there could it be?" Draco asked

"Well they did tell everyone I killed Diggory and that I was suffering a psychologic brake." Harry sighed

"Basically you have no idea what they're gonna say?"

"Yeah. There's no way to know what people will say."

Harry put his right arm behind his head and let his left hand rest on his stomach.

Draco yawned but didn't look away from Harry.

"You should get some sleep." Harry said

"What about you?" Draco asked

"I'll sleep. Just not right now." Harry told him.

"You better." Draco mumbled as he closed his eyes.

Harry lay still looking up at the ceiling contemplating just how this would play out.

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