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Once the dishes were done and Draco was out of the shower everyone was off to diagon alley.

Mrs. Weasley pulled Draco aside.

"Draco now there is a possibility your father may be here. If you see him do not panic. To not tense up. Just tell Sirius where he is. We'll go to the twins' shop if we see him. He won't go in there." She told the boy

"Thank you. I was just thinking about that." Draco smiled

"His bank account has been frozen so he's been frequenting the bank. Remus bumped into last week. It wasn't pretty. Just please tell someone before you try to panic. He doesn't need to see your reaction to his presence."

"Let's hope we don't see him. Harry will go ballistic." Draco said

"You're right about that. I believe or first stop will be Flourish and Blotts. Remus is dying for something to read. Maybe you and Hermione can find something for yourselves." Sirius made him jump

"I haven't been able to read much lately that's for sure. I'd love a good book to read." Draco smiled.

"I figured you would. You're mother says you read a lot."

"I do most of the time. When I don't have other things to get done." Draco shrugged entering Flourish a Blotts

Draco veered off browsing the shelves. Looking for anything that would peek his interest when he heard the one voice he hoped to avoid.

"I  don't care what those Goblins are saying! It's my money!" Lucius Malfoy shouted entering the shop.

Remus and Harry were by his side in seconds.

"Don't panic. Sirius and Molly are with your mother." Remus whispered.

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