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Harry sat facing the Slytherin table waiting for Draco to sit down. His note now rested with the morning mail.
Harry took a sip of apple juice as Ron sat down next to him.

"Haven't eaten without me have ya?" Ron asked

" 'course not. Have you seen Hermione today? "Harry asked

"No I haven't seen her yet. Think she was reading until late last night." Ron shrugged and started filling his plate

"You seem to be extra happy this morning." Harry smiled

"Luna said she'd go to hogsmead with me next weekend. I guess I'm still a little happy that she said yes." Ron smiled

"Good on you. Do you know how Hermione and Neville are working out? I haven't had the chance to speak to either of them yet."

Just as Harry finished talking Hermione took the empty seat next to him.

"Doing wonderfully. I was in the library all night looking for a book on Herbology for him. Seems someone else has it at the moment." Hermione said

"Well isn't that nice of you." Harry smiled

"He was helping at first then he fell off a ladder. I told him to go up to bed before anything else went wrong." Hermione explained

"Is that what happened to his wrist then?" Ron asked

"Yes. Just set him off the to Hospital Wing before coming here." She nodded. "So Harry how are things with Draco?"

"Things are good. I mean we don't know much about each other yet but we're getting along very well." Harry sighed as platinum blond hair caught his eye.

Harry looked up to see Draco waving at him from Slytherin table. Harry smiled and waved back.

"You'll learn more about each other soon enough. " Ron said

"Glad to see you're getting used to things Ron." Hermione said filling her plate

"Is it me or does Draco seem annoyed about something?" Harry asked not listening to what his friends had been talking about.

"I don't know if annoyed is the right word but something is bothering him. Maybe the Slytherins are already picking fights with him." Ron said

"I sure hope not. That's the last thing he needs right now." Harry sighed

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