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Harry and Remus sat with Draco trying to keep him from having a brake down as they waited for Sirius to come back.
"Draco he is not going to anything to you." Remus said

"I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about Mother." Draco said

"What is he saying he'll do to her?" Harry asked
"It's what he isn't saying. Harry I know he's trying to find out where she is. I don't anyone else hurt by him. I'm scared he's gonna find her and do something crazy." Draco said

"Draco he will not find her. Sirius and Dumbledore will make sure he won't. They will do literally anything to keep that from happening." Remus said to him.

"I know you're scared. Draco it's gonna be okay he won't find her. Everyone is doing everything to make sure of that." Harry rubbed Draco's back slowly trying to calm him a bit

"I know I'm probably just being paranoid but I've seen what he does to her. I don't want her to ever have to go through it again. I hated seeing it. I hate thinking about what he could have done if we had stayed home. He's evil. Demented."

"Draco, listen to me. We know that he did awful thing. Your mother has told us some of he has done. I never want to hear those things again. What he did to you and your mother was not what a father should ever do. That man is a bully and a bastard. I will do everything in my power to make sure neither of you ever have to see him again." Remus told him

Draco nodded unable to speak.

"Thanks Remus." Harry mumbled

"The things he's done Harry. They're terrible. Don't pry. If he decides to tell you do not get angry. If he doesn't tell you. You'll be better off not knowing."

"Treated us worse than he treated Dobby" Draco sighed

Harry's eyes went wide as he fought back the urge to kill someone. How dare someone cause his mate to be this broke this hurt. How dare they hurt him.

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