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Once the train made it to kings cross they could see the Weasleys Narcissa and Kingsley Shacklebolt waiting for them.
"Good to see that we're being protected well." Draco said when he saw Kingsley.

"Kingsley saw it fit given your father's violent threats towards you and your mother." Remus said stepping off the train

"Draco, you look paler that normal. Are you feeling sick?" Narcissa instantly came out of her trance and started fussing over her son.

"Mother I'm fine. Just the train ride made me anxious."

"You're worrying." She pushed her son's hair from his face

"Course I'm worrying. Mrs. Weasley says you've been trying to skip meals. You can't do that." Draco told her gently

"Draco I need to find the one thing that will ensure his punishment."

"Um sorry out I believe our friend Luna Lovegood found what you may be looking for." Hermione spoke up coming to Draco's aid

"Lovely to see you Hermione. You say Ms. Lovegood has found something?"

"Yes. Um I brought the book." Hermione handed the book over

"Thank you. I'll have a look after everyone has settled in." Narcissa smiled

"Alright then. The ministry has given us a car. It'll be a tight fit but I think we can manage." Mr. Weasley spoke

Draco stuck close to his mother while the made their way to the car.

"Mother have you been enjoying your stay with the Wesleys?" Draco asked

"Yes. Molly and Arthur have been very kind to me. Molly's even giving me cooking lessons." Narcissa smiled at her son "I've always wanted to cook."

"I'm glad you're doing okay. I knew they'd never mistreat you."

"Draco sorry to interrupt dear but I'd like a word with you." Mrs Wesley tapped Draco's arm.

"I'll walk with Harry. Molly will keep you safe." Narcissa told her son as Harry appeared at her side

Draco nodded and turned to Mrs. Weasley, "is she giving you any trouble?"

"None at all. I'd like to talk to you about the trial if you'd let me."

"Of course."

"Arthur isn't going to be allowed in but Remus has offered to let me take his seat for the trial. I wanted to ask you before I gave an answer. Your mother wants me there.-"

Draco stopped her "Mrs, Weasley If Mother wants you there then you should be there. She hasn't got many adults to side with her. You're her only friend. She needs you as much as she needs me."

Mrs Weasley beamed "Harry Ron and Hermione will all be there as well. Sirius and I will be sitting with them. You needn't worry Draco. We have enough information to get him put away"

After one uncomfortable car ride across London everyone was sitting The the drawing room with a cup of tea in hand.

"So everyone has heard rumors of what happened to you two. Care to put some to rest?" Sirius asked looking at his cousins

Draco looked at his mother who nodded. "I think everyone here deserves to know a bit of what will come up this weekend."

"If you don't mind. I've helped and heard much of what will come up. Narcissa you understand if I would like to leave the room yes?" Mr Wesley said

"Of course."

Mr Wesley stood and started up the stairs

"Which rumor would you like to hear about?" Draco asked

"I've heard from a few not so good people that you've both been put under the imperus curse." Ron spoke up

"Not both of us." Draco looked at his Mother. "He would put her under and tell me that if I didn't do what I was told that he'd make her slit her own throat."

Harry's whole body became rigid. Hermione and Mrs Wesley gasped. Ron  sat back stunned. Remus swallowed hard and Sirius looked seriously pissed. 

"I've got one I pray isn't true. Did he really make you sleep outside in the cold last Christmas?" Hermione asked

"No. I'd sooner kill him than let him put my child out in the cold." Narcissa stated sharply

"Narcissa tell me now. Did he put you under that curse so he could get his heir?"  Sirius asked
"He did."
"Draco what was it like when you were younger? Having your aunt and your father around?" Remus asked

"I never knew when I or mother would be put in danger. I was constantly alert. Some nights I didn't sleep. I could hear him. Hurting Mum. But I couldn't do anything about it. I was a child. The worst insult was that Dobby was kinder to me than my own father. I did not respect Dobby. I did not fear him. I hated that I was so hateful to him. He was truly my only friend as a child." Draco felt tears running down his face.

"That's enough" Harry growled, "I hear one more thing and I'm going to explode."

"Harry, listen to me. You'll have to hear this during the trial. I know you're angry beyond reason but you've got to control it." Remus told him.
"Ron Hermione bed. You don't need to see this." Mrs Wesley sprang up "Narcissa  come on dear. You've had a long day."

Narcissa Let Mrs Wesley lead her up stairs. Draco wiped his face and looked at Harry.
Harry's pupils were blown wide his jaw clenched and his fists balled.

"Harry I know you don't know how to control it yet but we can help." Sirius moved closer to the boy.

Harry growled and lunged at his godfather. Remus tackled Harry to the ground before Draco could stand.

Both werewolves were growling.

"Don't Draco. If we get any closer they will fight. It's in their blood."

"Asserting dominance."


Draco felt himself buzzing with emotions. He felt two things spring from his back.

"Uh no. Remus let Harry up! Now!" Sirius shouted

Draco watched as Remus and Harry broke apart.

"What's happening?" Narcissa asked "oh. His wings have come in."

"Wings??" Draco looked behind him. Two  platinum blonde wings were sprouting from his back.

"Nobody said anything about wings"

"It's rare. Even in veela." Remus said

Draco looked at Harry whose pupils were still blown.

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