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The rest of the weekend Draco Ron Harry and Hermione spent their time in the Black family library.

"You will write won't you?" Hermione asked Harry

"Course I will. If you do." Harry smiled

"Does anyone have any idea what to get Sirius for Christmas? I know I'm getting Remus chocolate from honey dukes but what do I get Sirius?" Ron asked

"No idea." Hermione shook her head

"Maybe try for something that smells good. Or candy" Harry shrugged

"That's better than anything I could've thought of." Ron sighed

"What are you getting Luna?" Draco asked

"Oh that's easy. She really loves the twins' products so I'm getting her a little kit from their shop." Ron smiled

"That's thoughtful." Harry smiled

"What are you getting Neville Mione?" Ron asked

"I found a shop in hogsmead that sells magical plants. Neville was telling me just last week that he'd love to have a bit of devils snare to tend to." Hermione shrugged

"Neville's into herbology?" Draco asked

"Very. He loves it." Hermione nodded

"Any chance you could show me that shop next time we go?" Draco asked

"Of course. Draco you needn't get him a plant. He's always talking about wanting an owl." Hermione told him


"Yes. He doesn't have one himself. He'd like to have his own instead of borrowing owls." Hermione nodded

"I think an owl's something a family member should get." Ron said

"Does Neville do any reading?" Draco asked

"Some yes. Mostly fiction and herbology books though." Harry told him

"I have a few herbology books. Mother loves the subject as well. Maybe I can give him those." Draco said

"I think he'd appreciate that." Hermione smiled

"I'm just sorry I can't make up for all I've said to him. Not in one Christmas." Draco sighed

"You don't need to give him gifts to make up for it. Just be his friend." Ron said "Neville's not a material person. He just wants to have some friends."

Draco nodded. "I think I could handle being his friend."

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