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Hermione started towards Gryffindor tower once Mrs. Weasley came back .

"Ron might be a bit distant for a little while. Until he gets used to things." Mrs Weasley said

"I figured he would be. I'm not holding anything against him." Harry said

"I don't blame him." Draco said. "Not like I've been to friendly to him. And two men being together isn't exactly the normal thing."

"He's used to Remus and Sirius." Harry said

"Maybe he simply didn't think you liked men." Narcissa said

"Right. Probably." Harry nodded. "Oh Mrs Weasley. Sirius and Remus are getting married in December."

Mrs. Weasley grinned wide. "Finally."

"They don't know anyone expect the three of us know. I um. I don't want them thinking we told a lot of people." Narcissa said

"I won't say anything until they decide to let me know." Mrs. Weasley told her houseguest

"Thank you. I um. I don't want to mess things up with Sirius. He's very nice to except me after our childhood. After the way his parents and mine treated him. After my sister treats him." Narcissa said

"Never you mind that. Sirius will be announcing it from rooftops soon enough." Mrs. Weasley said then turned to Harry "now Harry I want you to get your rest. Draco you too. I want both of you happy and healthy."

"Of course Mrs. Weasley. You know you're like a mother to me." Harry smiled

Mrs Weasley's eyes shone at his words

"Harry if anything at all happens to Draco would you be a dear and send me an owl?" Narcissa asked standing

"Yes. You'll be the first person I'll tell." Harry nodded

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