Chapter 1

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Here I am. A new chapter of my life. New place, new me right?


I sigh, gripping my car's steering wheel. I've been sitting in front of the red brick residence hall, that I would be calling my home until May, for about an hour or so now. I'm usually not the one to be fearful when it comes to new experiences but right about now I would rather shit bricks than do this.

The issue is that today I'm moving into Spalding Hall at the "prestigious," (read expensive) Everett College here in the beautiful city of Boston. It's basically an "Ivy League" for those who couldn't get into Ivy League or a school for rich kids who just want to party but are "too good" for a state college. 

It's not that I don't want to go here, I really do. The school has been in the Top 20 Northeastern schools and Top 10 schools in New England for five years in a row now. It's the social climate that I'm worried about, and I'm not talking about the weather, (although it is uncomfortably hot today.) The school is predominately white and with racial tensions being even higher than usual and Trump being the apparent (but not my) President, I can already feel that one of these rich bitches are going to try and start something with me. Dr. King may have taught us to be nonviolent and peaceful, but Malcolm taught us that these hands are an option and anyone, no matter their race can receive them. With a population of around 5,000, I'm sure to stick out like a sore thumb in this blizzard. Especially with my dark complexion and black curls, I'm literally going to be the black sheep.

I roll my eyes at the thought and begin drumming my thumbs on the wheel. When I'm anxious, which is almost always, I have to move, or it feels like I'm going to explode.

It's now or never girl. Stop messing around and do the damn thing.

I finally (with much prodding from my subconscious) exit my car and head to the trunk to retrieve my things, taking extra caution to not scratch my car.

My car, Ice, is my freaking baby. She's an ice white 2019 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat with a supercharged HEMI V8 Engine, 8-Speed Automatic Transmission and 20-inch silver rims. The all black leather interior is enhanced with red seat belts and matching red stitching. Ice was a pretty penny, but she's my pride and joy. I would metaphorically and literally kill someone over her.

I grab the biggest box which I know contains the key furnishings for my dorm (sheets, pillows, pillow sheets, comforter, and my stuffed yellow lab Charlie) and finally walk into the red brick building.

A musky, faintly moldy odor assaults my nostrils, while a suffocating heat hits me the moment I walk in the dimly lit building.

All this money coming in from tuition and they can't invest in some Febreze or some mothballs?

Trying my best to simultaneously not die due to the stench and not spill the contents of my box, I knock on the first door on my left that says "RA" in bold black wooden letters. In my hurry to leave this morning I left all the information sent to me about my dorm on the kitchen table, and you bet that I wasn't driving back 2 and a half hours for a packet of paper. 

I knock on the door again, this time a bit more forcibly. I can hear commotion on the other side of the door, so I know that someone is in there. Just when I was going to knock again and possibly even break the door down, an attractive Asian girl with waist length black hair, around my height opens the door slightly. She looks visibly surprised to see me in front of her; I don't know why though. She is the RA after all.

"Umm...hey." She says clearly confused.

"Hey," I say in a tone that was harsher than what I intended. Quickly she begins to apologize.

"Sorry. I hope you don't think I'm being rude, none of the other RAs are here just yet. I've barely moved in, and I was told that the girls wouldn't be here for another day or two. You just surprised me that's all. Come in." She moves out the way and opens her door a bit more so I could enter.

Her room is a complete mess. Boxes and papers are everywhere in the cramped room, sure indication that she has in fact, just begun moving in.

"What do you need? It's my first time doing this RA thing and like I said I just got here an hour ago so, sorry for the mess." She shrugs and throws me a smile that seems sincere enough.

"It's no big deal. My name's Scarlett Carmichael, and I need to know which room is mine and the key. I left the packet about that at home. Plus my arms are getting tired." I motion to the box in my arms.

" Yea..uh..just give me a second." She begins to rummage through the stack of papers on her desk.

I need her to hurry up because these noodles for arms can't hold on much longer.

"Hold on one more sec. I'm still looking." She calls out.

The attractive Asian pulls out a sheet which I assume to be my rooming info. "Got it. Okay, so Scarlett Carmichael Room 227. Take the staircase at the far end of the hall. You'll be closer to your room that way. Um..there's a vending and ice machine on each floor, and laundry facilities are here on the first floor by those staircases. What am I forgetting...Oh, yea no opposite sex visitors in your room after midnight for like the first month, so that we can look like we're obeying the rules and what not then after that go wild. Get some dick. Have an orgy. Start a brothel. I don't care as long as you're quiet. The walls are extremely thin." She winks at me, and it took every fiber in my being not drop the box and bust out laughing. I have a feeling that I'm going to like this girl...whatever her name is.

"Thanks..." I say slow enough indicating that I don't know her name.

"Oops, damn my bad my name's Leigha Pham, but just call me Lee." She laughed.

"Thanks, Lee." I turn and begin my journey to the staircase at the other end of the long stretch of hall. Halfway down I hear Lee call out "OH SHIT YOUR ROOMMATE IS JULIETTE. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT BROAD. SHE'S A REAL PIECE OF WORK, YOU'RE PROBABLY GOING TO HATE HER. I KNOW I DO." She breaks out in a fit of laughter.

Yea. We're definitely gonna be friends.

After what feels like an eternity I make it to my dorm room. It's not huge, but yet it's bigger than what I had expected. There were two twin XL beds, two desks, two dressers and two wardrobes There's a large window between the beds. Besides those necessities, it's bare. Lucky for me, there's a private bathroom attached to the room.

It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but really what did I expect from a school that brings in enough dough in tuition to probably end world hunger - twice.

Many hours later I had my side of the room decorated. Black and white striped comforter, matching pillows, and an air diffuser currently attempting to rid the place of the perpetual stank. Unlike my side of the room, I wasn't cute. The constant running up and down staircases to my car and back to the room added with the smoldering heat results in me being a sweaty, tired mess.

The real question is do I shower or do I pass out right here on top of this glorified children's bed?

I know it's going to be a while until my roommate shows up since I showed up earlier than the recommended moving in day, and I did have a long day driving up here and moving all my crap. I choose the second option and crash onto my bed.

First day of college, a success.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Healing You is my first story here on Wattpad so please bear with me. The first few chapters will be slow and semi-boring because characters and the setting are still being introduced, but things will eventually pick up so stick with it, please. I promise you won't be disappointed!

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