Chapter 38

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Pulling my hoodie over my head I jog into Spalding hall before my balls can freeze off. Winter is coming soon and with a vengeance like it's one of the girls I fucked and never talked to again.

These past few days Scarlett's been too sick to hang out with me, so she's been keeping her distance, not wanting to me to catch whatever bug she's fighting off.

I'm still trying to prove to Scarlett that I can be the kind of boyfriend she needs and not just a guy that knows how to fuck well and play with girls' emotions. Scarlett doesn't think I notice, but I know she's still not 100% sure of how serious I want this relationship to be. I want to prove to her that I'm capable of being a loyal boyfriend even though I haven't had much experience with that.

Which brings me to why I'm freezing my balls off for her. When I was younger and got sick, my mom used to make my dad's mom's famous recipe of minestrone soup, that they both swore was the cure to all sickness. It didn't do much to help with my cold, but of course, at the time I was too young to realize that it really did nothing for me. As I got older and knew the truth, I still had her make the soup because even though it did nothing to help me, the thought of my mom dropping everything to make me some freaking soup, made dealing with the sickness a little more bearable. I want Scarlett to feel the same way but since I can't cook for shit, I called up mom and had her make Scarlett a bowl full of Nonna's soup. Lizzy even taped a cute little note to the top of the container that she refused to let me read. 'This is for her eyes only stronzo ' were my mom's exact words. My mom is always looking for an excuse to call me an ass.

Besides the soup I even stopped by the little cafe we went to on out first not date date and picked Scarlett up a large cup of the spicy tea I ordered her. I'll never forget how she literally went on for days after we went out about how it truly was the 'best tea she's ever had' and 'how Boston does everything better.' I don't know much about tea but I know that it has to be pretty special to get the "Scarlett Rose" seal of approval.

As I stand in front of my girlfriend's door, I silently pray that the wicked bitch herself isn't home. Obviously, the man upstairs isn't feeling me today, because instead of my curly headed beauty, Lauryn's fiery headed friend opens the door after I knock.

"Oh hey, Lucas. What brings you here?" Juliette leans against the door frame. I watch as she not so subtly tugs the bottom of her shirt exposing the tops of the fake breasts that she's been attempting to pass off as her own since her father bought them for her.

I sigh at her antics. This is typical of the redhead. I've seen those jugs of silicon more times than I would like to admit. Juliette has been trying to be one of my fuck and ducks ever since she found out I slept with Heather during her sophomore year of high school. Juliette was pissed since she's been very obviously crushing on me since we were in grade school and ever since then, she has been trying to get into my pants ever since. This leads to times like now where she thinks that if she gets naked I'll just stand erect and give her the good D. It hasn't worked yet and I'm positive that it never will.

"I just came by to give Scarlett some soup since she's been sick." I really don't want to start a conversation with her because I know that by the end of it I'll just be annoyed and slightly uncomfortable

"Oh, well she's not here right now." Juliette shamelessly checks me out and I suppress the urge to shudder as her eyes linger much too long at my dick area. "But I'm here."

"Yea um no Juliette." I cut her off before she gets the idea of jumping on me. It wouldn't be the first time that she's done that. "Did she run to the bathroom or something? Because I can go wait for her...out in my car." I try to crane my neck into the dark room, but Juliette stands firmly in the way. Scarlett told me she was so sick that she couldn't even leave her room which is why she hasn't been out and why I couldn't come see her although I didn't mind getting sick. I very rarely get sick and when I do I bounce back fairly quickly, especially after the minestrone soup. The soup is more for my benefit than Scarlett's. It's a solid excuse to see her while also showing her that I'm relationship material. I can bring her meals like other guys do for their girls.

"No. She left at like seven this morning, making all kinds of noise, waking me up out of my sleep. You would think that she would clean up her side of the room after tripping over it every morning. She has the coordination of a newborn deer."

I zone out with all the other things Juliette says once she mentions that Scarlett left ."What do you mean she left at seven? It's only 5. How did she leave at seven?" I talked to Scarlett not even an hour ago and she told me that she was laying in bed sick. She sounded terrible on the phone.

"I mean she left at seven in the morning. Duh." Juliette rolls her eyes at me and goes to look at her nails, a signature move she does when she wants people to know that she's tired of the conversation not going the way she wants.

"Did she say where she was going?" My head is spinning trying to figure out where in the world she would go this sick. She hasn't been in Boston long and she doesn't have any other friends in the city than the ones on campus, which does not narrow down the possible places she may be.

"I don't know. She usually leaves early and comes back around midnight. And then she does it all over again. Every day waking me up. Like fucking clockwork."

"Wait what? What the hell do you mean every day? Every day since when?"

"Everyday like oh I don't know, Every day? It's been like this for about a week now."

"Do you know where she goes when she leaves?" I can feel my anger flowing through me as I start putting the pieces together. Scarlett couldn't be with me not because she was sick, but because she was out doing god knows what all day long.

"Fuck no. Do I look like her keeper? But forget about her. Do you want to come in and I can show you this new trick I've learned to do with my mou-" It's obvious Juliette isn't going to be any help so I turn around without saying a word and start making my way back to my car. I'm pissed but above all, I'm hurt.

Scarlett's been lying to me.


Hi kids! Just a few things. Firstly I think we're coming up on a year of Healing You! I'm pretty sure that I published my first chapter sometime around this time. I just want to say thank you all for all of your support on this story. 

Secondly, I mentioned in the previous chapter that its really important you follow me now to be able to read Chapter 41 since it will be followers only. If following me isn't your thing because you only save your follows for "good" writers, you can follow me for the time being and then unfollow me later.

Lastly, I'm very excited for Chapter 41. I'm currently writing it now but if I didn't have so many scholarships to do, it could be done by now. I don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say it's going to permanently change Lucas and Scarlett's budding relationship. 

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