Chapter 31

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"Okay, so next question. Red or blue?"

"Red for sure. I hate the color blue."

"What why?"

"I don't know. I just do." She shrugs.

"How could you hate the color blue? Blue is such a calming color and lets not forget that it's a classic. Everyone likes blue."

"Obviously not everyone if I don't'"

"What's so wrong with it that you hate it?"

"I told you I don't know. There's just something about it that gets me all worked up about it. I can't explain it. I just don't like it."

I lean back in my seat and admire the wondrous mind fuck in front of me. Scarlett Carmichael is the antithesis to the notion of woman that I have come up with. Everything I thought I knew about women, she's been proving me different. She's not into the regular shit, that girls fall for like fancy dates, guys opening car doors, or even my panty dropping pick up lines.

I can't help but gaze at her. She's absolutely beautiful. Even when she's sitting in my car in my oversized hoodie with a scarf around her head.

Beautiful isn't even the proper term to describe her. She's alluring, stunning, exquisite even. Bellissimo, belle, hermosa. She's beautiful in every language. From the way she makes everything look sexy, to her full lips, to her plump round ass that's just begging to be held and caressed by me, Scarlett has me completely enticed, unlike any girl ever has. So much so that even sitting here in my car with her has my heart pounding in my chest, my hands sweaty and my dick hard. If this is what it's like to have a crush I never want to experience this again.

"Okay okay, I got a good one." Scarlett sits up and faces me, with a spark in her eyes. "Chocolate or Vanilla?"

"Definitely Chocolate." I lick my lips. I definitely like chocolate in more ways than one.

"Interesting. I never pegged you as that type." She's completely oblivious to my double innuendo. "I thought you'd be more into vanilla or strawberry."
"I didn't know strawberry was an option." I chuckle.

"If you really liked it you would have made it an option."

"Hmm I guess so, but what about you? What's your preference."

"I love vanilla. It's sweet without being overpowering the way that chocolate can be."

"Oh really? You're into vanilla."

"I love vanilla." Based on her tone, I think she caught on to my innuendo.

We go back and forth asking each other ridiculous questions for the next hour. Sitting in the dark by the docks, just talking, was not the original plan for tonight, but I think I like this option a lot better than what I had planned and so does Scarlett.

"You know...its been like 24 hours since we've last kissed," Scarlett informs me. A shit eating grin spreads across my face.

"That wasn't a question, Ms. Carmichael. I thought we're only asking questions."

"Okay." I watch the wheels spin in her head as she tries to form her question. "Do you want to kiss me as bad as I want to kiss you?"

Hell yea. "I don't know." I try to act as cool as possible, but if I'm being real, I've been dying to taste her lips again.
"I mean any longer and you might just forget how to use that tongue of yours." I watch her eyes make their way down to my lips and she bites her lip sending my lower half into a tailspin.


Who knew that, that simple action could be such a turn-on. Especially if the right person does it.

I have to fight off every urge to fuck her in my backseat when I use my thumb to dislodge her lip from her teeth. I want our first time to be special and not some quick fuck in my backseat. Scarlett deserves better than that.

"Your lips are soft." I breathe out. I gently stroke her cheek, waiting for Scarlett to make the first move, because if I do, we may end up in that back seat after all.

I don't have to wait long. Within a few seconds, Scarlett's basically in my lap, pressing her lips against mine. There's an unspoken urgency in the kiss. I grip her ass and she grips my hair as we deepen the kiss.

Fuck her ass is fat. I've never experienced this much ass on a woman before. Each cheek is two handfuls of happiness.

This quickly goes from a pg-13 makeout scene to r rated softcore porn. My windows are fogging up, from our activity. I stopped trying to control my dick a long time ago, so it's been rubbing up against her for the longest. Right when I'm ready to throw away the idea of not having her for the first time in my backseat, she pulls away. We stare at each other, gasping for breath. There's a foreign look in her eyes that I can't quite place.

"That" She licks her lips, savoring my taste and I'm tempted to taste her again. She moves out of my lap back to the passenger's seat

I choke out a sound of agreement. Subtly, I rearrange my junk. Although I know she felt the effect she had on me I don't want her seeing it. I'm going to need to go home and handle this asap.

"Um...are you still coming to my Halloween Party Saturday night?" I change the subject to something less hot.

As usual the guys and I are are throwing a turnt as fuck party to celebrate the holiday. If we're being honest it's just a way for us to get drunk and laid with very little effort. The girls are extremely easy on Halloween but there's only one girl that I actually want there.

"Maybe it depends on if I have anything better to do." Scarlett smiles at me and I want to kiss her again.

"I need you there. You're not going to regret coming. I promise."

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