Chapter 5

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I hate Juliette.

I've hated her since I was five when she tried to kiss me on the playground in front of all my friends. I've known that she had a thing for me since then because she's made it so painfully clear, so I've tried to be tolerant of her bullshit all these years but she makes it hard. Every year she gets worse and her obsession with me grows deeper. The girl is a fucking lunatic. Back in high school, she went around threatening girls who were trying to sleep with me. I had to confront her on it and she burst into tears and claimed that all 17 girls were lying on her.

Yea right.

You would think that she would've stopped lusting after me after I told her on multiple occasions that I didn't like her in any type of way besides a friend and that she's more like the extremely annoying younger sister that I never asked for. I already have enough of those and I don't want nor need another one. Tonight she was extremely close to getting her feelings hurt, clinging on me and shit. Making it seem like we were something more than forced friends. I would never lay my hand on a woman but she almost got herself punched tonight. Thank the god that the new girl was there and willing to come with me, which brings me back to my current task.

"What do you want to drink? Liam here will set you up with whatever," I asked gesturing to the bar set up in the back of our basement turned man cave. Liam Fitzgerald is my best friend, one of my roommates, and an all around god when it comes to mixing drinks. Since he's the only one of us that has any clue as to how to mix, we elected him as our house "bartender", a title that he embraces. His skills combined with his charisma plus his laid back surfer looks makes him a natural born bartender. It also helps that girls usually throw themselves at the guy mixing them custom drinks.

I look over at the girl waiting for her answer. She's staring intently at the alcohol in front of her and popping a hair tie against her wrist.

Maybe she didn't hear me. It is really in loud here.

I'm just about to ask her again when she finally says, "No thanks. I don't drink." She doesn't look at me but instead, she keeps looking at the alcohol.

"You sure? Liam can mix up a mean sex on the beach if that's what you're in to." I wink at her hoping for some kind of reaction but the alcohol and hair tie has her transfixed.

Maybe she's never drank before.

This could be a possibility, but I highly doubt it. Most people I know have been drinking since high school. I know I have. Hell, I had my first drink when I was 14.

"Nope. Sorry I don't drink." She finally looks over at me and gives me an apologetic smile.

Liam tries to convince her to try one of his famous cocktails, but she adamantly refuses. Feeling like I still owe her though, I lead her into the kitchen. Unlike where the bar is, the kitchen is brightly lit. Very few people are in here and those who are, are just people taking a break from the party.

"Grape or orange," I ask her.

"W-what?" She stutters slightly, obviously confused by my question.

"Grape or orange?" I repeat again this time holding up bottles of grape and orange juice that I pulled from the fridge.

"Grape." She takes the drink from me and offers me a slight smile before her lips meet the bottle.

The brightly lit kitchen gives me the perfect opportunity to inspect my savior, an opportunity I was unable to have in the almost pitch black rest of the house.

She's short, really short, like barely making it to five feet short. I'm used to most of the girls here being at least 5'8" so short for me is 5'5". She's a nice brown complexion with silky, straight, black hair that falls to about the middle of her back. 

I wonder if it's actually hers?

She has innocent big brown eyes that could probably get her anything she wants and full, plump lips that are currently a shade of deep red. I gave her body a quick once over. She's curvy as hell with a tiny waist. She's not really working with much on top, but her ass is wild. It's the most ass I've seen on a girl in real life and she has the thighs to match. It's a lot but not so much that it makes her look like one of those plastic Instagram hoes. She has to be new because I've never seen her before and I don't think I would forget meeting someone like her.

"So what's a girl like you doing with girls like them." I lean against the counter and wait for her response.

"What do you mean a girl like me?" She narrows her eyes at me. It's kinda sexy.

"I mean you look different..." I quickly realize the error in my wording, when she gives me a death glare, so I try to backtrack. "Not like different because you're black...not that I noticed you're black because I don't see color...well I do obviously but you being black isn't an issue because I love all races." I'm babbling like a fucking idiot, which hasn't happen to me since middle school. I'm usually real smooth with the ladies but right now, I'm anything but. "Your clothes are different." I finally spit out.

She stares at me for a moment and I prepare myself for a slap, something that at this point I rightfully deserve. Instead, she breaks out in a fit of laughter. It's not a slight giggle, but a full body laugh. She's bent over with her hands on her knees, dying at my embarrassment. She wipes a stray tear off her face and puts her hand on my chest before saying, "Aww the little white boy gets flustered talking to black people. I bet this is your first time actually talking to one." Her words have a bite to them and I feel the need to defend myself.

"No not at all I just didn't want to offend you. One of my best friends is black. He's here somewhere you probably saw him."

"Nope can't say I saw your token friend, but I'll keep a look out for Uncle Tom." In the past few minutes, she did a complete 180 from shy stuttering mess to feisty fighter. I gotta say it's really hot. I haven't had a girl talk back to me in way too long. It was starting to stir up some motion down under.

"You're really sexy when you're all fired up like that. Wanna take this discussion upstairs?" I give her a wink that usually causes girls to melt and panties to drop.

She looks taken aback but quickly recovers "You're really funny if you think I'd go anywhere near a bed with you. Try one of those white hoes out there."

"It doesn't have to be a bed. I didn't get the title of 'Sex God' for nothing."

She rolls her eyes and gives me a smile. "Goodbye Lauryn's brother. Thanks for the grape juice." And with that she leaves the kitchen, leaving me feeling dejected and slightly turned on.

Damn, I didn't even get her name.


I haven't seen Lauryn's feisty new friend since she left the kitchen, but I don't care anymore. I'm drunk, high, and having a good time. Girls are throwing themselves at me and making me feel like a fucking king. I don't need her when I have a flock of girls around me. I know the only reason a majority of the girls who came to the party, only came for me. I have a reputation for being a player and being willing to fuck any girl who meets my (very high) standards. Every girl wants a chance to at least say they slept with Lucas Bellini. I'm notorious at Everett. 

A set of twins are dancing with me, both equally as attractive. The one on the left was feeling on my chest while the one on the right was moving her hands over my lower front.

Looks like I'm getting double as lucky tonight.

They lead me up the stairs and I do.


So we finally meet Lucas, he's kinda slutty.

Liam is up above.

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