Chapter 44

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So I've decided to continue on with the story! Yay!


"I can't do this."

"You're doing great Scarlett. Just keep going."

"I want to go back."

"Baby you're almost there, you got this."

"Lucas I don't got anything. I don't want to do this anymore. Let's stop."

"Scarlett." I sigh and shake my hand out of Scarlett's firm grasp. Fear crosses my insanely beautiful (but equally as stubborn) girlfriend's brown orbs as soon as our hands detach. Scarlett quickly latches right back onto me and I have to physically resist the urge to roll my eyes at how overdramatic she's being tonight. "Scarlett..." I speak slowly as to restrain my growing frustration with her. "You're still on the carpet. Can we at least get on the ice before you give up?"

Today the guys wanted to spend the day playing hockey like we used to do, way back in high school and since Scarlett wanted to spend time with me, I brought her along with us. It turns out that Scarlett can't skate at all which brings us to now.

"I don't want to learn anymore. Why can't I just sit on the bleachers and watch you and the guys murder each other on the ice? I can even clean up the blood if you guys want."

"If you're going to be my girlfriend you need to at least learn how to ice skate. You're from New York why don't you know how to ice skate?"

"Because I'm black. Black people don't ice skate. We play basketball and football and run track or whatever other stereotypical sport you think black people do. Hell we even play tennis, but what we do not do is play hockey. Have you ever seen a nigga on ice?"

"Scarlett...firstly I don't like that word.."

"Nigga." Scarlett blurts out interrupting me.

"Yea that. We talked about this. That word makes me uncomfortable. Secondly, there are black people in almost every sport. Black people aren't just restricted to the stereotypical sports that you mentioned."

"I hate when you go all 'White people for black lives on me,"

"Sorry that your boyfriend is oh I don't know socially conscious and fully aware that he is living in the 21st century where those stereotypes don't apply anymore."

"And this is why I fucks with you Lucas." Scarlett giggles and pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss her back slightly surprised. Scarlett's been reluctant for us to have any kind PDA since we both agreed to keep our relationship lowkey for now.

"I wish I could fucks with you." I whisper in her ear, grabbing a handful of her ass.

"Are you guys just going to stand there sucking each other's face's off or are you going to actually get on the ice?" Liam slows down near the rink opening to ruin the moment for us.

"Fuck off." Scarlett and I say at the same time.

"I'm going to barf. You two make me sick." Liam says before skating off.

"I think that's our cue to go on with our lesson. Come on we can make out later."

I guide Scarlett to the rink entrance. "Carefully step on to the ice on foot at a time. Don't worry I won't let you fall, baby." I can feel Scarlett's chest rise as she takes in a deep breath.

"You promise?"

"I promise. That magnificent ass of yours will not be meeting ice today."

Scarlett manages to get both her feet on the ice but she's shaking like a newborn deer. "Are you okay?"

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