Chapter 63

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"Ash? Ash? Scarlett's getting thick as hell." Ricki whispers.

"Is that what it is? I couldn't put my finger on it, but she looks different. A good different, though." Asher says. 

"Why are you guys talking about me?" I ask as I come back from the bathroom. I plop in Asher's bed, lie my head in Ash's lap and prop my feet on Ricki. I leave for not even three minutes to use the bathroom and they talk about me.

"We're not saying anything, bad sis. We're just admiring how you got thicker than a bowl of oatmeal recently." Ricki slaps my ass, and I winch.

"Ow bitch." I rub my stinging ass.

"Sorry, I forgot you only like your man slapping your shit like that." Ricki laughs. I roll my eyes. I love Ricki dearly, but I would be lying if I said she didn't constantly annoy me.

"Is it healthy relationship weight that's making your ass that fat?" Asher asks. "Lainey complained all the time that I was the reason why she gained weight, but her issue was that she just liked to eat."

"I mean, I guess that's what it is, but damn I didn't ask for this healthy of a relationship. Shit, we might have to get a little toxic. I might need him to start cheating or something." I joke.

"Maybe you're pregnant," Ricki states, and my laughter is cut short. The room suddenly goes quiet.

"Oh, damn," Asher whispers under his breath.

"I'm not pregnant," I state defensively. "I'm on birth control, and Lucas and I use condoms. It's... just...healthy relationship weight. That's all."

"Birth control can fail if you're not taking it correctly, and condoms can break."

"I'm taking it right!" I snap at Ricki even though I know there was a period after rehab that I wasn't taking it...and then another time where I wasn't taking it every day. "And even if I wasn't, we use condoms."

"Every time? You guys fuck like rabbits, so there's a chance-"

"Yes, every fucking time Ricki!" I don't mean to yell at her, but being pregnant never crossed my mind because I know that I'm not pregnant. There's no possible way, and I don't need her saying dumb shit like this. The universe hears everything.

"Okay, so just because you're using a condom every time doesn't mean Lucas is."

"What do you mean?" I question, narrowing my eyes at her. Asher awkwardly sits watching us.

"I mean, Lucas could be fucking you raw without you realizing." Ricki shrugs sympathetically at me.

"I'm not fucking dumb, Ricki. I think I would know if he wasn't using a condom." Truthfully I wouldn't know the difference. Sex with Lucas is always so mindblowing and overwhelming that I'm not focused on whether or not his dick is wrapped up. I'm usually out of it for a while in a post-sex haze, so Lucas cleans me up. 

"Certain medications can also cause your birth control to fail." Asher chimes in. "I learned that in sex ed."

"I'm going to be sick." I groan out as my stomach churns.

"Nausea is a sign of pregnancy." Ash states. "But please don't throw up on me."

"You're looking a little pale, Scarlett. Do you want me to grab you a water or a bucket?" A concerned Ricki sits up and touches my leg. 

My head is spinning. How could I have been so stupid? Lucas and I have sex regularly - very regularly, and I never thought to ask if he's using a condom. I just assume that he doesn't want to deal with a baby either. I mean we both are in college and have our whole lives in front of us. Why would he want a kid?

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