Chapter 64

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Two weeks.

Two fucking weeks since I've seen Scarlett.

After the appointment, we had the tensest ride back home. Scarlett and I barely said a word as we both stewed over the things said in that exam room. My mom didn't even bother to strike up a conversation, but instead, she sat awkwardly between us and played Candy Crush very loudly on her phone.

Scarlett and I ended up getting into another screaming match almost immediately. She stormed out of my place, and I didn't even bother chasing her. At that moment, I was so pissed that all I wanted was for her to get the fuck out of my face. The more I thought about her aborting my son or daughter and never telling me about their existence, the angrier I got. She would have murdered them and continued on in our relationship as if nothing happened. Imagine if we got married and ten years down the road, she confessed to killing what would have been our first child together.

I understand that Scarlett has her issues. I've seen the effect that the events of the last three years had on her mentally and emotionally, but damn. I can't even find justification for this.

I've been patient with Scarlett, our entire relationship. When she was dealing with the Asher situation, I was there for her once she explained the situation. When she told me about her siblings, I was there. Every night that she wakes up screaming because her nightmares got the best of her, I dry her tears and hold her until she falls asleep. I changed all my habits to accommodate her. I allow so much in our relationship because I know she's struggling. But I don't know if I can ever fully get over this.

Scarlett knows she can talk to me about anything. She knows nothing would make me want to leave her, especially not her being pregnant when it takes two people to make a child. When we started dating, I told her that she had all the power in the relationship, and I meant that. But honestly, now I'm starting to rethink my decision.

"Fuck!" I yell out in frustration. I drag my hands through my already tousled hair. I look a wreck. There are bags under my eyes from two weeks of sleepless nights. I'm paler than usual, and my eyes are bloodshot. I haven't talked to Scarlett in over two weeks, so I don't even know where we stand at the moment.

"What the hell is your issue?" My mom snaps at me, scaring the hell out of me. I didn't even hear her come in.

"What are you doing here?" I grab my chest, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I'm sick of you walking around mad at the world, so I'm here to help you solve your issue." She sets her large bag on the island, knocking over some empty Natty Light cans and takes a seat.

"Are you drunk right now, Lucas? And don't lie to me."

I've had a few drinks this morning, but definitely not enough that I'm wasted right now even though I want to be.

"No, and no offense, but I don't need your help. I'm good." I pick up a few cans and shoot them in the trash.

"But you're not. I don't know if you've looked in a mirror lately, but you look like absolute shit. You've been terrible to be around, and we're all tired of it. I also heard that you kicked Liam out?"

I roll my eyes. "Let me guess. Lauryn told you that, but she probably didn't tell you that she's been fucking him for months."

"Everyone has known about this except you apparently. They've been having sex since her senior year of high school." My mom casually waves me off.

"Are you fucking-?" I couldn't even finish my sentence. Liam has been fucking my sister for well over two years, and no one fucking told me.

"I'm not fucking anything except your father. They're staying in this cute little apartment, but I thought he left the party house on his own accord. I just now found out you kicked him out."

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