Chapter 30

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"Hypothetically let's say I like someone. Like I genuinely enjoy their presence and all I want to do is spend time with them. I don't want them to talking to anyone else, so I think I want a guarantee of exclusively. How would I go about that?" I look out at the faces of my roommates gauging their reactions. Tonight I called a house meeting because I've been extremely conflicted on what to do about whatever I have with Scarlett. I've never felt like this before and I figured collectively the guys should have enough experience to help me out with my predicament.

Ever since high school (or maybe even middle school), I've been fucking girls and throwing them aside. If I'm being completely honest, girls were nothing more than a quick release for me. I'd put any and all emotion that I was feeling whether it was anger or plain horiness, into sex. I never felt nor wanted a connection with the girls lying in my sheets besides physical. If a girl wasn't down to fuck, then she was out of luck.

The only girl that I actually tried to have a relationship with, fucked me over by cheating on me with my best friend at the time and ever since then I swore off relationships. I'm not a cheater and I'm not into cheaters. Girls who sleep with me are fully aware of the fact that another one is going to be in my bed right after her. I cheat on tests, not women.

For most girls, I'm only a passing moment that they tell their sorority sisters about. I don't want that for Scarlett. I want something real, something with more substance. I find myself constantly being drawn to her. She's like an addiction. I'm addicted to her sweet smell of coconut, to the way she always looks on the bright side of things, and to the way she seems to fit like a missing piece against me. I even like the way she fails to realize how attractive she is. Scarlett oozes sex appeal without even trying. She could be wearing a sack and I'd still pitch a tent.

Don't get me started on that mouth of hers. For such an innocent girl, she kisses like a pro. I could spend the rest of my life in her mouth and die a happy man.

There's something about Scarlett that I can't wrap my head around yet, but I'm trying to figure it out. I don't want anyone else (aka Marcus) trying to figure her out and I'm fully aware that if I don't make a move soon, someone else will and my chance would have been completely missed.

I don't plan on missing my chance.

I impatiently wait for a response from my friends, in the eerily quiet room. Of all times, they pick now to finally shut up. The only time that I actually need them

Alex is the first to break the silence, with a hearty laugh. He's struggling to catch his breath and wiping away imaginary tears. As always he's been dramatic as hell and pissing me off. Now, remember why I never talk to him about anything serious.

"You're fucking with us right?" He cackles. "There's no way in hell that you, notable player, Lucas Bellini would ever and I mean ever settle down. There's no possible way."

"Gee thanks, Alex," I respond sarcastically. Leave it up to Alex to make you see the brighter side of things.

"No, i'm serious Lucas. You settling down for one chick is like pigs flying, or Liam shutting up about being from California, never going to happen. No matter how hard you try."

"What the fuck man? Why am I being dragged into this?" Liam questions. Although the hurt in his voice is feigned, a part of me thinks that Liam is truly hurt by Alex's comment. Liam reps Cali the same way Cardi reps Bloods. That's saying a lot.

"Liam...let's not start because now is not the time," Alex says dismissing him. "We're talking about Lucas is thinking about the impossible."

"Why is it so impossible?" Am I really that bad?"

"You've never been in a serious relationship since I've met you, except that trainwreck of hoe you tried to turn into a housewife. Wanna know what you have been doing since we've meet tho? Fucking bitches left and right. That's what you do best. That's what we do best. We aren't the settling down type. "

I nod, Alex does have a point, but who's to say that I can't change. "Who says we can't change?"

"Human nature. Duh. Why would you even want to settle down when you have girls throwing themselves at you daily. Why have one hoe, when you can have them all?"

Alex has a one-track mind when it comes to things like this.

'Gasolina' interrupts Alex's "advice," thankfully. "Listen, man...I gotta go. Booty calls. You know how that is." Alex says getting up and grabbing his jacket. "We can talk later, but face it. You aren't a one-woman man. Stick with what you know best. Deuces bro." Alex leaves as always because that what he seems to do best. Leaving during the middle of a conversation.

"Okay so obviously he's no help," Liam says getting up. "And frankly neither am I. The only person who can really help you figure this out is you. You know yourself best. I hope everything works out for you bro because I can tell that whoever this girl is, is pretty special. Especially if she has you wanting to throw away your player ways"

"Where are you going man?" Jeremiah asks Liam as he makes his way to the door.

"Like Alex said, booty calls." Liam chuckles before leaving.

"And then there was us. " I say to my only rational friend. "So how do you think I should go about this?"

"Well I think you don't have to do much, It's obvious that Scarlett like you as much as you like her."

"I never said that it was Scarlett I was talking about. It could be anyone." Of course, Jeremiah knew I was talking about Scarlett. I can't hide anything from him. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

"Nigga, please. You came home covered in that dark ass red lipstick Scarlett wears for a week straight. You didn't think that anyone would notice?"

My face flushes knowing that Jeremiah caught me. I thought that I did a good job keeping Scarlett's and I's makeout sessions on the DL, but obviously not.

"Haha, Luke I got ya ass. Look how red you are. I know you've been dipping into the fondue."


"You're mixing the spices."

"Jeremiah speak English."

"You got that jungle fever." Jeremiah sings.

"Jeremiah...what does that even mean?"

"It means you're into black girls, but that's besides the point. You've been swapping spit with Scarlett. I can't be mad at you though bro because if I wasn't with my girl, I'd be pursuing that fine piece of ass." He pauses for a moment. "You know I never thought you'd be into black girls. I've known you since my freshman year of high school, and you've only ever dated patsy white chicks. But wow, here you are, losing your mind over a sista. I'm glad you finally came over to the dark side."

"I don't...That doesn't make me feel any better Jeremiah."
"Look all I'm saying is this. If you like her, go get her. You never wussed out before so I don't know where this hesitation is coming from. I know there's more to you than being a professional player, you just have to show her."

"Thanks, man." Jeremiah always knows what to say to make me feel less like a douche.

"This isn't going to easy though Lucas. She's going to be a challenge and relationships, in general, are challenging but if you're really down for her you'll handle it.

"I know-"

Jeremiah cuts me off to adding "but that's not going to be the only challenge. Once you two get together, the two of you are going to get a lot of shit from people. Especially from the BSU. You know how they feel about interracial relationships. Plus they're already not too happy about the Marcus thing and the show she put on and a relationship with you is really going to piss Marcus off. You're going to just have to roll with punches."

"Thanks, Jeremiah. You know out of all the guys you're the only one that isn't only focused on getting some ass."

"I don't need to get ass when I already got it, the thing I'm focused on is keeping it if you know what I mean."


Once again here's another unedited chapter! I'll fix the typos later.

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