Chapter 45

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Christmas is my mom's absolute favorite holiday. Therefore it's a huge event in my house. Actually, mom loves almost every holiday, but Dad thinks Americans do too much when it comes to them, so he only allows her to go all out for one. This obviously caused some issues at the beginning of their marriage and mom threatened numerous times to divorce him over the issue. She finally settled and decided to go with Christmas and out of spite she's 100x more extra with it than she typically would be. Every year Mom spends a shit ton of Dad's money on decorating our house in the most elaborate ways, which makes her the only person that I trust to help me get my house ready for the surprise Christmas that I'm throwing for my girl.

After Scarlett told me that she's pretty much over Christmas due to her last Christmas being nightmarish, I got this idea to give her the best Christmas she's had in a while. I would've preferred to treat her to a real Bellini Christmas, but I'm going to give her the next best thing, even if it's not actually Christmas yet. The guys are helping with the party and my entire family excluding my Dad and Callie are going to come too. I did some pretty intense digging and found Yates' new number. He was pretty hesitant to do anything that had to deal with me thanks to the reputation that follows me, but once he found out that it was for Scarlett, he jumped at the chance. I even went so far as to put my pride aside and invite Ricki.

"Damn it Lucas! This is the third used condom I found in this house today. What the hell do you do here?" My mom screams from behind the couch. When my mom first came over early this morning, she took one long look around, declared our house a disaster area, and proceed to start the process of cleaning it. She was putting the finishing touches on the living room when she decided to look behind the couch, her own mistake.

"Why are you yelling at me? I haven't had sex since October. It's probably Alex's. You know how he likes to have sex everywhere and anywhere."

"You haven't had sex since October?" My mom asks popping her head up, condom still in her yellow-gloved hand.

"Nope. Scarlett's a virgin." I try to sound as nonchalant as possible while I hang ornaments off the tree. Although I'm extremely comfortable talking to my mom about my sex life, I don't feel comfortable talking about my involuntary celibacy, especially since Scarlett's involved.

"Doesn't mean you still can't jerk off into a condom though bro." Alex walks into the living room, munching on the Christmas cookies for the party tonight, saying stupid shit as he usually does.

"Who jerks off into a condom? And who told you that you could eat those cookies?"

"Someone that wants to bust a nut and have an easy cleanup, and I told myself that I could. Duh. You know ever since you dyed your hair you've gotten dumber. Foreal foreal."

"Why do I still deal with you? There's really no reason for it."

"Listen, listen to you guys. I don't want to hear this right now, " Mom sighs. "Lucas, you haven't had sex since October?"

"Nope, not since I realized that having meaningless sex with random girls wasn't doing anything to stop the feelings I was developing for Scarlett." When the attraction for Scarlett first started I tried my best to deny them by fucking them away. When I realized that after finishing, she was still on my mind, I stopped trying to push my feelings away and focused my energy on getting her.

"Yea but he didn't bank on the fact that she's a virgin so now he spends most of his time beating the fuck out of his meat." Sometimes I really want to punch the shit out of Alex.

"Shut the fuck up Alex. I hope you catch an STD or even better a kid from all those sloppy bitches that you like to fuck around with."

"At least my right arm isn't bigger than my left." Alex retorts.

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