Chapter 18

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Once a month the guys and I have this tradition where we go to this high-end mechanic shop over in Beacon Hill and talk about 'guy stuff' with the crew. Guy stuff mainly consists of cars, girls, and sports. We crack open some cold beers, sit around the flat screen in the break room and partake in some well needed male bonding.

"So..." Alex drawls out after Evan, one of the mechanics tells us about his botched date with a girl that turned out to be his cousin. First cousin at that. "Did Lucas tell you that he went on a date too?"

I let out a loud groan as I sink further into the raggedy leather couch.

"Are you really still on this?"

I had hoped that the guys forgot about the not date-date that I was coerced into telling them about and the "mystery" girl that accompanied me, but sadly that was not the case. They've been sitting on this information for weeks and it looks like they were saving that info for a time where they could humiliate me publicly. Apparently, this was the time.

"Aww, little player Lucas is finally out of the fuck 'em and leave 'em routine? Good for you man. You finally trying to settle down?" Chance, a mechanic hand and as of now a pain in my ass, takes a long gulp of what has to be his sixth beer in twenty minutes while looking at me intently waiting for my answer.

"No man, it wasn't even like that. I'm still fucking them and leaving them but I was just trying something different." I downplay the situation not wanting to have this conversation or drop any hints that the guys might catch on to. Everyone knows me as a player and I didn't need something as insignificant as spending time with Scarlett to ruin my reputation. Even though our time together was anything but insignificant.

"You should've heard the way he talked about the girl man. I think he has a crush. He's getting soft. I'll probably have to take his spot as campus player." Alex earns a round of laughter from everyone except me. Alex's not as good as me when it comes to the physical aspects of being a player. He'll fuck around and end up having to pay child support.

"Him? Lucas Bellini? Having a crush? No way bro. Impossible. Lucas only wants one thing from his women and dating them is not one of them." Chance grabs another beer from the cooler and I'm tempted to tell him to chill on the drinks because I'm the one who bought this pack, but I hold my tongue. "He probably just took her out because she was being one of those difficult broads who wouldn't let him fuck. I respect the dedication dude." Chance goes in for a high five but I'm too angry over what he said to high five him, so I leave him hanging. I definitely did not take Scarlett on that date just so I could fuck. It was the furthest thing in my mind at the moment. I just wanted to spend time with her and basically, bask in her presence. What can I say? I'm entranced by her.

"Sounds like he's going to be sprung over this girl in the future." Alex sips his beer before adding in, "He didn't even it hit it yet."

"You taking girls on dates and you didn't see if they were worth the meal?!" G, another mechanic hand, basically yells. "You're definitely sprung, my guy."

"Okay," I hold my hands up in defeat. "Enough about me. Don't you guys have anything else to talk about besides my nonexistent love life?" I down the rest of my beer and grab what I tell myself is going to be the last one of the night. I'm not trying to get too drunk.

"You know what I haven't seen in a long time?" Evan says out loud to no one in particular. "A souped-up muscles car. Not that fru fru watered down shit but a real badass car."

Where did they even come from? I don't voice my question out loud, glad that the subject changed to anything that doesn't concern me, but I'm still slightly curious about how he got there.

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