Chapter 53

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TW: Death, Blood, Suicide, Overdose

Song: Hurt by Christina Aguilera 

"Last one to the car is a bitch!" Brandon yells, before taking off across the parking lot.

"Not fair you dick!" Kassidy yells, running after him. I laugh as I run after the two of them. This happens all the time, so I know the routine. Brandon is going to slow down to say some dumb shit to Kass. She's going to tackle him and they're going to be so busy fighting with each other that they're going to forget that I run track and I'm going to end up waiting at the car for the "bitches" to show. It happens every time we're together, but Brandon still makes a show of doing it.

Growing up, my parents weren't really around that much, because of their jobs. They were trying to give us the lives they never had growing up, so I never felt hostility towards them for not being as involved in my life, as they were with Brandon and Kassidy. I wasn't apart of the "American Dream" plan my parents had laid out for themselves. They wanted two kids, two years apart, a girl and a boy. Mistakes were made, and four years after Kassidy, I came along and messed up the dream.

Kassidy and Brandon are more like my parents than my actual parents and I'm honestly okay with that. Some people hate their siblings, but I love mine. If it weren't for my parents refusing to let me interfere with their goals, we wouldn't be as close. Chorus concerts, plays, track meets, they were there for them all and now they still come to my events whenever they're in town. We have a bond that's so unbreakable, them going away to college couldn't even ruin our connection.

I'm sitting on the hood of Brandon's truck when they finally show up. "Looks like you two are the bitches...again."

"Let go of me!" Kassidy screams. Brandon has her over his shoulder, as she kicks and yells at him.

"Hmm looks like you're getting faster Scarlett, of course not as fast as me, but faster." Brandon ignores Kass as she punches and kicks him. Anyone looking at this probably thinks he's kidnapping her, especially since it's so dark out.

"Brandon you dick. You're fucking up my wig! Put me down!" Brandon looks at me and I shrug. He drops her on her ass, steps over her and unlocks the truck.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Kassidy screams at him.

"You said to put you down. I did. You're welcome." Brandon slides in the driver seat and I hop off the hood, getting in the back as Kassidy still sits on the ground yelling.

"Should I still I keep fucking with her or apologize?" Brandon asks me.

"Fuck with her a little more and then apologize." I push the giant stuffed elephant, that Brandon won for me at a ring toss, over in the seats.

"Bet." Brandon cheeses, as Kassidy goes to grab the door handle only to discover that it's locked.

"Are you serious?" Kassidy mouths. Brandon and I laugh as Kassidy throws a fit. Suddenly it starts raining and Kassidy loses it. "My fucking wig!!! Are you kidding me?! I oughta fuck you up Brandon and you too Scarlett. You fucking traitor!" Kassidy pulls on the door handle again not expecting to open so she stumbles backward.

Brandon and I are red in the face cracking up. Kassidy gives us both the finger once she gets in the car.

"What an eventful day we had," Brandon says as pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, it was going well until my childish ass siblings decided to fuck my wig up. Do you know how much I spent on this?" Kassidy refused to look at us and instead looks out the window.

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