Chapter 27

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Once again I'm back with another chapter. So before we get into the juicy stuff I just wanted to bring up some things. Firstly, as you may have noticed I changed the cover and I'm extremely proud of myself. It's the first cover I've ever made so obviously I'm really excited about it. Just look at the difference.

 Just look at the difference

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I think this new cover kinda tells the story without really telling the story and it's motivating me to write more

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I think this new cover kinda tells the story without really telling the story and it's motivating me to write more.

Secondly, I'm severely behind schedule with Healing You, as you can see. It's my senior year and I have been trying to juggle everything that it consists of, so I'm so very sorry for the long delays. Lastly, I just wanted to tell you all that I have all these ideas for other stories (three!!) but I refuse to start them until Healing You in done and up to my standards, which it isn't right now (but is an author ever 100% with their work?). I go off to school August 16 so Healing You should be done by then. And then I'll start my next story.

I'm going to be busting off chapters like a mad woman for now on to get this done.

Now on to what you're here for...



"Wait? So you've never seen the actual ocean until you came here?" Disbelief is written all over Lucas's beautifully sculpted face.

"Yep. I've lived in the middle of every state I've ever had the opportunity to live in and no one ever wanted to drive me the three-plus hours just to see some freaking water. " I take a sip of my water and use this lapse in the conversation to take in the sight in before me of me. In front of me, there's Adonis, in a form-fitting black tee with a white cardigan and black skinny jeans. His striking beauty is only enhanced by the soft warm lights of the restaurant. I know I say it a lot but Lucas's literally looks like he should be walking a runway in Milan, not eating cheap food in a college town.

"Did you move around a lot?" Adonis questions mirroring my actions. His gaze roams me before meeting back up with my eyes.


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