Chapter 62 Part I

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^Callie in Media


On a campus of a few thousand people, one would think that noticing your girlfriend during the end of the lunch rush in the Student Union building would be difficult, but I can spot Scarlett's thick ass from a mile away. It also helps that's she's one of the few black girls on campus. Scarlett's wearing a skin-tight burnt orange dress that hugs her curves perfectly and stops right below her ass, exposing her legs.

I make my way across the third floor of the student union building, my eyes trained on my girl. Finals are coming up soon, so I haven't seen much of her in the past week. Between her obsessive studying, increased therapy sessions with Mirembe, and all her support groups, we've had exactly zero time for each other. I'm not usually the clingy type, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss having Scarlett around.

Scarlett's standing off to the side of the staircase, too preoccupied with her phone to see me coming. If I had to guess, she was probably studying some of her Quizlet flashcards. She always does that when she has downtime. She looks absolutely gorgeous today. Black wavy hair frames her face. I think she called it a deep wave when she asked me what kind of wig she should buy next. She's wearing only a bit of foundation, clear gloss, and long thick lashes that she typically leaves around my room. Although she looks beautiful, I think she's even more stunning when she's in her most natural form, because I know I'm the only one that gets to see her like that.

Suddenly a black guy walks up to her and hands her one of the two smoothies he's holding. She smiles and thanks him I guess. I'm still not close enough to hear them. He says something, and she laughs like it's the funniest shit in the world. He takes a step closer to her and puts his hand on her shoulder.

What the fuck is this? I can feel my blood boiling as I watch another man touch my girl. He's looking at her the same way I look at her.

"Hey, baby girl." I come up behind Scarlett, slip my hands around her waist, and pull her in for a kiss. Possessively gripping her ass, I dominate her mouth, not caring about our surroundings. I'm sure that whoever the fuck he is, is watching.

Scarlett pulls away quickly. "Lucas!" She scolds as she wipes her mouth and pulls her dress down.

"Why are you wearing that short ass dress?" I ask her before plucking the smoothie out of her hand and taking a sip. "Ew, what the fuck? Is this white gummi? You hate white gummi."

"I'm wearing a dress because it's nice out, and I don't hate white gummi. It's just not my...favorite." Scarlett turns back to our unwelcome guest apologetically.

"I can buy you another one." He offers her a small smile.

"You don't need to do that." I scoff. Is he really flirting with my girl right in front of me?

Scarlett sighs, and I know that she's fed up with me, but can she blame me? This dude is blatantly flirting with her. She should be as pissed as I am.

"Is this like your boyfriend or something?" He asks Scarlett, ignoring my existence.


"Yeah, I'm her man. Who the fuck are you?" I interrupt Scarlett. I'm sick of playing this game with this guy. He knows damn well I'm her boyfriend.

"Lucas," She grabs my forearm in an effort to calm me down. "This is Dion, my partner for my human sexuality project." She gives me a look that says, 'Please stop embarrassing me.'

"Oh, well, nice to meet you then. Scar never mentioned that she had a boyfriend." Dion holds his hand out towards me with a smirk.

Scar? Who the actual fuck did he think he was?

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