Chapter 61 Part I

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"Now Lucas, could you please, please, please be on your best behavior? No arguing, no snarky comments, and definitely no alluding to how good you fuck me." Scarlett stands in front of me, one hand on her denim covered hips and a sharp red nail poking me in the chest. Instead of looking serious, like the way she intends, she just looks adorable.

"I really can't guarantee that." I shrug my shoulders as Scarlett rolls her big brown eyes and presses her nail deeper into my chest. I winch, it's actually starting to hurt. I need to stop paying for her to get these sharp ass nails if she's going to use them as weapons. I know she's annoyed, but it's the truth. When it comes to Angel, I honestly can't guarantee what's going to come out of my mouth. He knows exactly how to push my buttons.

"Lucas, I need you to put whatever differences you have with him behind you and try to be civil. He's basically the only family I have left at the moment, and I would like the both of you to be in the same room for more than 5 minutes without engaging in a pissing contest." Her stern expression falters momentarily, allowing me to see the hurt still lingering in her heart before it returns.

Scarlett and I haven't talked about what happened at her parent's house yet. That doesn't mean I didn't try though. I brought it up once one evening when we were watching a movie. Immediately when I asked, the vibe shifted dramatically, and Scarlett snapped at me before going missing for four hours. For four hours, I was a wreck trying to figure out where the fuck she could have disappeared to. She wasn't in her room, and she wasn't with Asher, and those are the only two places she goes when she gets like that.

My first thought after her being gone for an hour was that she ran away somewhere to get a drink because I overstepped her boundaries. My second thought, an hour later was that she got in an accident. She wasn't in the best mindset to be driving when she left. I was calling the police department when she eventually resurfaced, apologized for running away, and then acted like everything was fine. I didn't push the issue because I would rather have her here with me, not dealing with her problems than God knows where dealing with them alone.

As much as Scarlett wants to act like her mom's words didn't affect her, I know that what her mom said fucked her up tremendously. There's nights where she cries in my chest when she thinks I'm asleep, and it kills me knowing that she doesn't want to open up to me. It always feels like when Scarlett and I take six steps forward in our relationships, she jumps back eight.

"Did you give Angel the same speech, or is it just me that's being lectured?" I question.

"Angel received a lengthy text this morning about behaving. I even included a "No Spanish" rule today so that he can't talk shit about you, without you knowing."

"So what are you going to do when Angel ultimately talks shit about me, because we both know that it's going to happen." 

Angel hates me. At this point, I don't even care because I know that his hatred stems from his jealousy over Scarlett being madly in love with me and only seeing him as a brother after all these years. He's just waiting for me to fuck up so he can swoop in and finally get Scarlett. Unfortunately for him, I don't plan on fucking up anytime soon. Scarlett and I are in this for the long haul, and I'm not going to let a jealous jack ass, fuck this up for me.

"Nothing because it's not going to happen. Both of you are going to act like the adults you are. Wanna know why? Because you both love me and neither of you wants to see me upset. The two most important people in my life arguing, will upset me, so you both won't do it. End of story." Scarlett turns away from me, and we both know that she's won this round.

"Are you still not talking to Liam? I haven't seen much of him lately." Scarlett asks as she adjusts her jeans in my mirror.

Liam and I haven't talked since I kicked him out. He can fuck Lauryn as much as he wants, but I'll be damned if he's fucking her under my roof. I'm still pissed off that he's been fucking my baby sister right up under my nose since August and didn't say shit about it. He knew our rule, the only rule in our friendship, and he still broke it for some pussy. He could have gotten pussy from any girl on campus, and he chose my sister. I know that he's probably taking refugee in Lauryn's dorm, but I don't care. I hope the two of them are happy together.

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