Chapter 21

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Once Lucas showers change his sheets and wipes down his desk we get to work on our project. The script is finally done (thanks to me) so today we need to start the acting portion of the project. We're going to be performing the last scene of our play in which Romeo comes to the church and sees a "dead" Juliet and then decides to take his own life since they can't be together. Juliet's stupid ass then kills herself when she doesn't wake her ass up in time. Of course, my (I mean our) version is going to be a hell of a lot different from good ole Shakespeare's.

"So how are we doing this?" Lucas asks. He looks like a modern Adonis, laying across his bed with his arms propped behind his head. His hair is sticking to his forehead, still slightly damp from his shower. The woodsy scent of what may be his body wash fills the room, and I have to say it's slightly intoxicating. I shift in my seat, my core heating up. If I were white, my whole body would be red right about now. I always catch myself blushing for some reason when I think of Lucas. As cliche, as it sounds being around Lucas makes me lose control of all my emotions. Something I'm not used to.

"Well..." I start trying to get my thoughts back on track. "We're doing the last scene. So you, Romeo, comes to the church to find the love of your life me, Juliet, dead at the altar. You're already an emotional wreck so seeing me - her there sets you off. You want to give your lover one last kiss. Once you do, drink the poison, but right before you put it between your lips, my hand shoots out and rips the bottle from your lips. You're stunned but your only reaction is to give me...I mean Juliet the best damn kiss you can muster up. And then basically after that, you throw me - her some sappy lines about being yours forever, and we run away together to escape persecution from our parents since you know our love is forbidden because we come from two opposing households."

"Nice so I get to kiss you. Twice?" I could be mistaken but Lucas looks excited. Like really excited. There's no way he's excited to kiss me. Could he?

"Not necessarily. It's Romeo kissing Juliet."

"Okay but Lucas and Scarlett are still going to be kissing."

My face heats up even more. "I suppose but-"

"Let's start with that part first," Lucas sits up, looking extremely eager. "Where do you want me?"

"Well I'm going to laying on the 'altar' and you're going to be standing on the side of me, so I guess when you kiss me you're going to have to lean over me."

Lucas and I switch spots. The woodsy smell of his body wash fills my system and my heart rate speeds up. I'm suddenly extremely nervous. Lucas, the guy that's been invading my thoughts since I first met him, is going to kiss me. Insecurities begin washing over me. I haven't kissed anyone in a long, I mean a long time. I don't even know if I remember how to kiss. I know Lucas knows how to kiss, as well as do other things. I bet the girl he was just with knows how to kiss. Hell, I bet all the girls he's been with know how to kiss. Most likely better than me.

"Close your eyes you're supposed to be dead." Lucas laughs.

I close my eyes, my breathing suddenly ragged. I hear Lucas shuffle beside me and then I can feel his presence close to my face.

I can't do this. The girl who was in this very bed not even an hour ago with him had to be a much better kisser than me. What if I disappoint him?

Panic sets in as his breath tickles my face and I bolt straight up headbutting him square in the face.

"Ow, what the fuck Scarlett?" Lucas says covering his nose, while I jump out of his bed and gather my materials. I need to get the hell out of here.

"I'm so sorry but I forgot...I left my stove on. I'll see you soon." I'm basically running down his stairs at this point, my feet flashing underneath me.

"Where are you going Usain?" Liam grabs my arm as I fly by him, slowing down my escape.

"I need to leave. Right now."

"What why? You just got here."

"She left her stove on." Lucas comes up behind me, his nose already turning shades darker.

Great. Just fucking great.

"Stove?" Liam chuckles. "The dorms don't have stoves. What are you talking about?"

"Maybe I'm talking about a different stove." I try to get out his grasp before I make an even bigger fool of myself but Liam just isn't having it.

"I'm making drinks you have to stay for that."

"I don't drink-"

"I'll make you a non-alcoholic drink. Just stay. I need someone new to woo with my drink making prowess. Plus we all love you and Lucas here has been hogging you since the beach. Even Alex has been wanting to see you."

I look over at Lucas who looks confused by my sudden departure, and as much as I want to apologize for probably breaking his nose there's no way in hell I'm staying here after this stunt I'm pulling.

Liam loosens his grasp on me just enough that I manage to slip out of his grasp.

"My stove is on." is the only thing I manage to say before I run off like a bat out of hell.

Nice one Scarlett. 


Author's Note:

First and foremost let me just tell you how appreciative I am of all my readers. Over 1.5K reads! It doesn't seem like much but to me, it means the world because it means that people actually like my writing. I haven't written in years and I'm glad to see that I haven't lost my touch. As of now I only write chapters for fun and if I finish the book I finish it, but if I don't I don't. If this book magically takes off and gains a fanbase then most definitely I will finish it before I go off to college. Thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments!

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