Chapter 42

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    Scarlett cried the entirety of the night, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if she's dehydrated by morning.

    I roll over and admire the broken mess in my bed that is Scarlett. Even with her hair strewn all over the pillows, dried drool in the corner of her mouth, and smeared mascara over her face, she's still one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. I watch her sleep for a few moments. Even asleep she seems distressed. Memories of last night are most likely playing over and over in her head.

    My heart hurts for Scarlett. She's been dealing with this all alone for months without being able to lean on anyone for help. She couldn't even turn to her own boyfriend for support. If she would have just told me in the beginning instead of bottling this up the entire time, I could have been there for her. I would've been there for her.

    Her confession last night would explain a lot of quirks about her. Why she doesn't drink. Why she never wants to talk about her past. Why she just disappears for hours at a time and then pops back up as if nothing happened. I knew that she was hiding something, I just didn't know that it would be this deep. I assumed that she had a boyfriend back home that she didn't want me finding out about not that she's a recovering drug addict.

    I take a long hot shower that mainly consists of me mentally preparing myself for the long overdue conversation that Scarlett and I need to have. Scarlett's still asleep in my bed when I come out of my bathroom an hour and a half later, fully dressed and ready for whatever today is going to bring. I'd be concerned if it weren't for the fact that she moved from the side to sprawling out in the middle of my bed.

    Surprisingly enough Alex is already up and dressed, in a very un-Alex-like manner when I walk into the kitchen. Alex like the rest of us doesn't wake up past 11 unless forced or pussy is involved.

    "Morning bro." I greet him as I look through the cabinets for something that I can make in 10 minutes or less. "Why are you up so early?"

"No reason. Just up." Alex shrugs my question off.

"Is there some broad upstairs you're trying to avoid?" I question with a chuckle. It wouldn't be the first time Alex has hid from a girl in hopes that she would get the hint and bounce her ass out of here without someone having to kick her out.

"No." Alex giving me one worded answers is not like him at all. Is everyone close to me going through something that I'm not aware of?

"What's up? Why are you acting like this?"

Alex rubs his temple and sighs "I'm having really bad come down. I don't know what the hell Jeremiah gave me last night. I've smoked loud before but I never smoked something that smoked me backed. Last night I reached Nirvana. I was literally sitting on clouds and shitting out rainbows. You ever puff puff pass with imaginary creatures? Shit was legendary Lucas. I'm telling you bro. But this morning, oh bro this morning? I hit rock bottom. I fell out of the fucking clouds. Those imaginary shits that I thought were cool turned on me. I have never felt worse. I think that shit was laced Lucas."

I can't help but laugh at how stupid Alex is. He's always been hella dramatic for no good reason.

"You'll live Alex, just drink some water."

"My mouth feels like cotton."

"I don't know what to tell you. This stuff happens." I find two breakfast bars shoved in the back of the cabinet that aren't expired yet and grab two bananas. Boom breakfast.

"You're the worst. Hey speaking of the worst how are you and Scarlett? Did you find out the answer to your questions?"

I sigh. Alex being an idiot distracted me enough that I almost forget that I still had to deal with Scarlett.

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