Chapter 47

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    "Why do you keep checking your phone like you're some kind of love struck bitch," Jeremiah asks the second I pull out my phone. I let out a long sigh. Here we go with this shit.

    "I'm just making sure Scarlett didn't call me." No messages. No calls. No voicemails. No even a fucking snap to keep up our streak.

    "Lucas man, why the fuck are you still pressed over her not talking to you." Alex chimed in as if his opinion mattered or something.

    "It's been a week and I still haven't heard from her. We never went this long without any kind of communication, not even when we were just friends. Ricki and Yates haven't heard from her either and she's their best friend." After the third day of not hearing from Scarlett, I tracked down Ricki who told me she hasn't talked to her since before Christmas and I called up Yates who hadn't heard from her since Christmas Eve. "What if something bad happened to her?" I mumble. I'm afraid that speaking it out loud will make it true, so I've been quiet about my worries.

    "Chill out the fuck out. Scarlett is probably back down there in Connecticut having the time of her life. She's probably getting her guts rearranged by her man back home and you out here looking like a bitch." Jeremiah smirks.

    "Shut the fuck up." I check my phone once more annoyed.

    "Ohhh yeah. Cute little Scarlett is probably get rawed by some big black dick. You know she's probably sick of that white boy shit. No offense." Jeremiah just keeps pissing me off, the way he's giggling and shit, like its the funniest thing in the world. I know for a fact that Scarlett's a virgin and would never cheat on me, so why the fuck is he getting under my skin?

    "I have a question." Liam says walking into the living room, eyes trained on his phone, and completely unaware of the tensions building. "Why is it 10 pm on New Years Eve and we're sober? Why aren't we at this party getting shit faced?" He turns his phone around to show us a snap of tightly packed bodies in a dark room, lit only by colored lights.

    "Ayo Liam. You know what? I think that's the perfect way to get Lucas out of this bitch ass mood he's in." Alex says.

    "What's wrong with Luke?"

Scarlett's fucking a black guy." Jeremiah responds.

Breathe in. Breathe out. They're your friends. You're asshole friends. I unclench my fists.

"Oh foreal? You-"

"She's not fucking anyone you dicks. She's a virgin." I snap at them. "Stop talking about Scarlett." I'm fuming.

"Lucas we're sorry. I was just playing man-"

"Alex shut the fuck up." I get up off the couch and grab my jacket. "Let's go to this damn party."


    The party, like most I've been to since coming to Everett is at some frat house close to campus that I can't be bothered to remember the name of. It's like Alpha Apple Pie or some dumb shit like that. I never understood greek life, which is ironic considering that most people think I'm a frat boy. I just don't see the appeal of having fake ass brothers, when I got real ones.

Multi colored lights and the overpowering bass of "Mo Bamba" sets the atmosphere. These parties are never as good as the ones we throw, but at least they tried.

It takes about an hour, and a couple watered down drinks for me to start enjoying myself. I'm finally feeling that buzz that I've been chasing all night. Cami, my friend from high school and one of the few girls that I know that doesn't want to sleep with me because she's a bonafide lesbian has been keeping me company by dancing with me. She's also been fighting off drunk girls who keep trying to grope me, by pretending to be my girlfriend, but these girls are persistent.

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