Chapter 56

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    Scarlett and I had a fantastic weekend together. We did as much as we could in our two days, but we decided to do a week in the six after finals so we can experience more of what Toronto has to offer. Spending time with her was great. I couldn't get enough of her the entire time. The highlight of the weekend was the sex. It seems like the birthday sex I gave her awoke her inner freak because she's been insatiable ever since, not that I'm mad.

    "Baby, I need to leave for real this time," Scarlett says against my bare chest. I wrap my arm tighter around her waist to stop her from leaving my side.

    "Nooo, stay in bed with me." I bury my face in the crook of her neck and plant soft kisses along her throat.

    "Lucas," She laughs out, trying to push me away, but I refuse to budge. "I need to start getting ready."

"Stay here, and I'll eat you out again." I offer wiggling my brow at her.

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm already going to be late thanks to you and your shenanigans."

"You weren't complaining about my 'shenanigans' when I was dicking you down this morning," I state bluntly. We've been up for almost an hour and thanks to Ms. Tease, we've already had sex once, and if she stays in bed with me, we can start working on round 2.

Scarlett hits my chest, obviously flustered. She hates when I bring up her newly acquired intense sex drive. I don't know why she's embarrassed. It's a good thing. Now if only we could just get her stamina up.

"Lucas shut up, you know I just can't lay in bed and have sex with you all the time. We've been doing that for the past week. I need to go out and see the world. Breathe some fresh air. Feel the sun against my skin."

"Why can't we? I'll open up a window and turn on my desk lamp. Boom fresh air and sun, all in the comfort of the bed." Scarlett does have a point. In the week since we've come back from our weekend trip, all we've done so far is go to class, lay in bed, and have sex. It sounds like a good time to me, so I don't know what the issue is.

"You're making me neglect my other friends. I have to split my time with my guys evenly."

I turn on my side and look at her. Scarlett's beautiful all times of the day, but there's something about her first thing in the morning that makes my heart skip a beat. She's bare-faced, scars showing, glasses on and scarf tied around her head. Mornings are when she's the most authentic and most vulnerable, and it honors me that she has chosen me to be this comfortable with.

"So that's what you're doing today?" I whisper, stroking her cheek.  It still feels surreal when I wake up, and she's laying next to me. I'm a lucky guy.

"Yes, sir. Hanging out with Asher and Angel."

At the mention of Angel, I roll my eyes and blow out a frustrated breath. Moment effectively ruined.

"I wish there wasn't beef between you two. I don't even know why it's there. You've met a solid two times."

Angel has a thing for Scarlett. Anyone with eyes can see it, except Scarlett for some reason.

Scarlett takes my silence as disapproval, so she keeps going trying to plead her case for Angel. "You guys don't even really know each other. We all need to hang out together so you both can see that the other is not out to get the other. You and Ash get along great, so I don't know why you can't do the same with Angel?"

Because Asher isn't trying to fuck you isn't it obvious?

Of course, I don't say that to her. I know that it bothers Scarlett that Angel and I have this animosity between each other so for the sake of her I will try to get along with the guy trying to take my girl away from me.

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