Chapter 33

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The past three weeks of dating Scarlett have been nothing short of great. I had thought that being in a relationship would feel like I'm being tied down and that I would hate only being with one girl, but so far it hasn't been that bad. I miss sex though. I really miss sex. Scarlett and I's relationship is still relatively new so I don't want to push the issue.

Our new found relationship has been kept on the down low. Besides the kiss at the party, we haven't had any other instances of PDA and only a few people know of our relationship. Obviously those few are Alex, Jeremiah, and Liam. I didn't want to have to sneak Scarlett around our house and I definitely didn't want her to get the wrong idea that I was ashamed of us by hiding her from people that I consider family.

Per usual, Alex was the only one to make a scene of my announcement. He literally threw a tantrum, whether it was because I was finally settling down or that he has a slight crush on Scarlett has yet to be revealed.

Both Jeremiah and Liam had an inkling that I would eventually ended up with Scarlett, and they were proud of me finally acting with my head instead of my dick. Alex on the other hand, was completely caught off guard. If there a physical list of all the players on Campus, there's no denying that I would be number one with the most conquests and Alex would be a very close second. We've been fucking and playing girls since the 9th grade, so it was definitely a shock to him, when I revealed that Scarlett and I are a "thing" - an exclusive "thing" at that. I thought he was going to have a stroke the way he was moaning and groaning about how shes going to hold me back and other bullshit. He told me that people like us weren't made to be in relationship, but I'm hell bent on proving him wrong because this is something that I really want to work,even if it's just for a little while. Alex finally stopped throwing his tantrum when Jeremiah explained to him that since I'm no longer in the game, girls will be throwing themselves at him since he's the next best thing. This lightened him up.

"Hey, baby," I said to Scarlett while throwing my arm over her petite shoulder as she walked out of her last class of the day.

"Hey Lucas." Scarlett throws me a smile, not one of her world stopping, smiles, but one that barely reaches her eyes. Her usually inviting warm eyes lack their light. The only time I've seen her like this was the time I visited her in her dorm when she had her panic attack.

"What's wrong?" Scarlett is very rarely not genuinely happy, that's one thing I like about her. She can make a rainy day feel like a summer's afternoon

"Nothing...just tired. You know the usual." Her hesitation throws me. Scarlett isn't that great of a liar but I don't want to push it. I want to believe that if something's wrong she'll tell me.

"You sure?" I coddle, but once again she denies it.

"Yea just a lot on my mind that's all."

We make across campus to her dorm in record time. It feels more like the dead of February than late November. Mother nature did not come to play with Boston this year.

The privacy of her dorm allows to me kiss her freely. I love kissing Scarlett. It's always just the right amount of passion mixed into her kisses. Today however it feels different. She's not into the kiss like she usually is and once again concern strums through my heart. She's kissing me, but her mind is somewhere else. I wish she would just let me in.

"So when are you going back down to Connecticut?" Today was the at day of classes before Thanksgiving break and tomorrow I would be making the 45 minute drive back to the place I called home for 18 years.

"I'm not." She stated simply, her focus held captive by the threads on a quilt on her bed.

"What do you mean your not?"

"I'm not going down too Connecticut for break." She mumbles it lowly as if that would be enough for me not hear her.

"Why not?"

She shrugs and gives an inaudible answer, her attention devoted to that damn blanket.

I release a breath of frustration. As light and lively Scarlett was, there were times when she gets like this and annoys me. Instead of opening up and talking to me as her boyfriends she shuts down completely and treat me like some stranger.

"Where are you going for break then?"

"I was thinking of staying here. I mean it's only a week. What's the point of even going?"

"Scarlett what the hell?" I scold. "You can't stay here. You'll freeze to death or starve. All the dining halls will be closed and god knows that their not going to heat an empty residence hall. Not to mention you'll be all alone. Anything can happen to you."

She rolls her eyes at me and huffs. Times like these are when her feisty attitudes pisses me off more than turns me on.

"I'll be fine Lucas there's no need to worry. I have blankets and a mini space heater I snuck in. I'll buy some more pop tarts to get me through the week. And if anyone is dumb enough to fuck with me I'll mace them."

"Scarlett as your boyfriend," It felt weird to actually say it out loud. I haven't been a boyfriend in a long time and I didn't plan on being one ever again, but look "I don't feel comfortable with you staying here alone. Do you have any friends you can stay with?" Immediately after I say the words I feel bad. Scarlett doesn't have any friends on campus besides me and the guys. I know she made up with that bitch Rickey but besides that there's no one.

"I don't need a friend. Thanksgiving doesn't even matter because I don't even celebrate it." A look of regret crosses her face as she reveals another tidbit about herself.

"Why don't you celebrate Thanksgiving?"

"I just don't."

Suddenly an idea pops into my head and I could slap myself for being so dumb. This blonde dye is really starting to get to me. "Okay fine. You don't have to go home to your family, but on Thanksgiving, you're celebrating it with me and my family. End of discussion."

She starts to protest my decision but I quickly shut her up.

"You want to be stubborn, we can be stubborn." I kiss her pouting lips. "Make sure you wear something nice, I'm going to show you that Thanksgiving is worth celebrating."


This isn't relevant to the chapter but I committed to Penn State today!

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