Chapter 58

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"Stop touching me."

"I'm not even touching you."

"You're touching me!"

"I'm not touching you, Asher!" I tell him with my finger an atom away from his arm. 

I've been staying with Asher and his mom for the past few days while Lucas is away. Lucas was adamant about me staying at the house with the guys instead of my dorm, but it felt weird to have been there without him. The guys and I are cool and all, but I feel bad for always being around. It's their house as well, and I think they need a break from me. Jeremiah called trying to convince me to come over, but I told him no, instead calling up Asher and he gladly let me crash in his room because Lucas was right - I do hate being in that dorm with Juliette.

"I can literally feel your finger on me, Scarlett."

"Well, it's not so calm down." I roll my eyes. Asher's such a big baby.

"STOP TOUCHING ME!" Asher yells at me, swatting my hand away.

"I'M NOT!" I yell back to him.

"I thought I had two 19-year-olds over not nine-year-olds." Cheryl walks through the archway, with two big bags of groceries, shaking her head in mock disappointment.

"You have a 19-year-old and a five-year-old here because Scarlett is acting childish right now."

"How? I'm not even touching you. Cheryl, am I touching him?"

Cheryl peers over the couch and inspects our position. "She isn't technically touching you, Ash."

"Mom!" Asher exclaims. "I'm your son! Who's side are you even on?"

"I'm a neutral party in this, but I'm stating facts. Now, what do you kids want for dinner? Burgers or Alfredo?" Cheryl calls over her shoulder as she heads to the kitchen.

"Burgers!" Asher shouts at the same time, I yell, "Alfredo!"

"Alfredo it is then."

"Mom, what the hell?!"

"Ash, Scarlett's our guest and a vegetarian. I'll make you burgers another time damn!" Cheryl laughs.

Asher shoots daggers at me and whispers, "She's my mom, don't forget that."

"I won't," I whisper back at him trying to hold in my laughter as Asher breaks out into a grin and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"You know I'm just joking. I love my best friend."

"And I love my best friend."

The doorbell rings, and we give each other a knowing look.

"NOT IT!" We yell at each other.

"This is YOUR house. I'm a GUEST."

"You've been here for almost a week. START PAYING RENT."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!" Asher yells on his way to answer the door.

Asher is another one of those people that if someone had told me a year ago, I would be best friends with him, I would have laughed in their face and called them a liar. Asher and I really had nothing in common besides tragedy. It's crazy how 'Richy Rich' from the first day of my substance abuse meeting is now 'Ash' my platonic other half.

"Scarlett, you have a guest." Asher walks back into the living room with Lucas right behind him.

"Lucas? You weren't supposed to be back for another few days, what are you doing here?" Lucas was supposed to be in Houston right now, not in Ash's living room.

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