Chapter 26

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Euphoric. Characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.

That's the only way to accurately describe the way I've been feeling this past week. I feel like a kid on Christmas except Christmas has been happening every day and my gift isn't the latest toy, but the opportunity to explore Scarlett's mouth. Scarlett and I have reached a whole new milestone in our whatever-ship and I'm absolutely loving every moment of it. After our initial make-out session that ended up lasting a better part of the day ( we only stopped to order some take out and then after that, I was back on her like white on rice,) we've been having these little "sessions" every single day. We like to justify them by saying that we're "rehearsing" for Romeo and Juliet, but we both know that we're just drawn to each other like moths to a flame.

Most times these "rehearsals" happen at her dorm because Juliette's barely ever around, once or twice in my room when the guys are all out, and then there was this really heated session in my car one night, that was going great until Luke Jr. made an appearance and ruined the mood. I haven't just made out with a girl without it leading to sex in an extremely long time, so it's actually nice to have that change, although it's causing me to have to take more cold showers...

"Why the fuck have you been so happy lately?" Alex says walking to the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts about Scarlett.

"I don't know. Damn can't a man just be happy?" I don't want Alex or any of the guys for that matter, to know about Scarlett and me just yet. They're all sex-crazed players and wouldn't understand me wanting to just make out with one girl.

"They can, but you? You're never this happy. Who are you fucking?" Alex narrows his eyes at me.

"Shit no one," But I wouldn't mind getting a little more physical with Scarlett. I wonder if she'd be down for another rehearsal tonight.

"I'm just having a really... great week." I take a sip of my water to try and calm myself down from the unholy thoughts about Scarlett and her tongue racing through my mind.

"Mhm, I'm sure." Alex doesn't believe me. "Are you doing drugs?" He steps closer to me and starts inspecting me.

"W-what?" I sputter out my water. "Alex, what the hell are you talking about? And stop touching me."

Alex stops prodding me and returns to shooting me accusatory glares. "You're only ever this happy when you're high or freshly fucked so if it isn't the last one then its the first. What are you on? Because if it makes you this happy, I want some too."

"I'm not on anything, Alex. Calm the hell down. I'm just happy. Can't you be happy that I'm happy?"

Alex glares at me, watching me to see if I'll give away any hints for my recent change of mood, but I keep my poker face on.






"God no. Alex, I'm not on anything. I'm just happy. Let's leave it at that."

"Whatever." Alex gets up and starts heading towards the door. "You're lucky I have plans with a little fiery mami tonight or else I'd grill your ass until you cracked. But remember Bro code #17 says Thou shall share any drugs with bros."

" Yea. Yea Yea. Bye Alex have a good night and don't forget to use protection." Alex has this habit of always forgetting which has resulted in him having to buy more Plan B's than he's willing to remember.

"You know I'm always prepared" Alex shoots me a grin before leaving.

"Finally," I mumble out loud. Now that Alex is gone I shift my focus back to making plans with Scarlett. It's been a whole 16 hours since I've tasted her lips and now I'm in the mood more than ever. I pull out my phone with every intention of texting her when Jeremiah comes from behind me. I quickly lock the phone and turn towards him.

"What's up man?" I try not to sound as suspicious as I feel, although I'm not technically doing anything wrong.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Alex," Jeremiah grabs two beers out the fridge and throws one at me. I catch it, but don't open it. Scarlett has this aversion towards alcohol, that she hasn't really explained fully, but I know that having beer breath would ensure that I don't get to kiss her tonight.

"What about our conversation?"

"I also noticed that you've been really happy this past week. Would it have something to do with oh I don't know a certain chocolate beauty about yay high with an ass that's round as hell?" He raises his eyebrow at me before taking a long gulp of his beer.

"Nope." Jeremiah talking about Scarlett's asses causes a slight flare of anger to temporarily run through me.

"Yeah, sure whatever. Unlike Alex, I know more than him, and I also know that you've been spending hella time in her dorm. If she's the reason why you've been looking like you've won the lottery every day this week then I'm glad you're doing whatever with her. She seems good for you man."

I don't answer because either way, I'll incriminate myself, so I just nod. I don't really know what Scarlett and I are just yet and I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea. She and I are just friends. Friends who occasionally swap spit.

"Well tell Scarlett I said hey when you see her tonight." Jeremiah gives me an all-knowing smile and leaves. Fuck him for being so damn good at reading me.

To Scarlett: Hey what are you trying to do tonight?


Two Chapters in less than 24 hours? Who do I think I am?

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