Chapter 22

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For two weeks straight I've managed to avoid Lucas. After my little fiasco at his house, I made it my personal mission to avoid him. I've been coming to class at the very last minute so he wouldn't be able to talk to me and the moment class is over I'd been bolting out the door. I even stayed out as much as possible so Lucas wouldn't be able to stop by my room and try to talk to me, which is starting to get really difficult because I'm running out of parks to visit.

I'm thinking about how I may need to change schools when Ricki snaps me back to reality.

"Earth to Scarlett? Helllooooo are you there?" Ricky waves her hand in front of me, an annoyed look plastered on her face. "I asked you three times what you think about this one for the party tonight?" She holds a beige bandage dress up to her body waiting for my approval.

"I like it, but don't you think it's a little much considering you have a man and all."

Maybe transferring schools isn't so bad after all. I heard UHart is a decent school.

"I'd wish you stop obsessing over that boy you're avoiding and listen to me."

"Sorry," I mumble, not feeling at all apologetic. "And I'm not avoiding him," I state firmly knowing damn well that I'm lying to someone I consider my best friend.

"Oh, yea what do you call sleeping over in my room two weeks in a row? I know damn well it wasn't no sleepover bitch because sleepovers don't last two weeks. Any longer and you need to be paying me rent." Ricki raises a perfectly arched eyebrow at me while picking up a little black number even more scandalous than the beige one. I divert my attention to a rack of dresses, thumbing through it with feign interest. I can't come up with a good enough and believable answer to her question. Ricki sensing her victory, shoots me a smug look and shifts the topic.

"So Scarlett, what do you plan on wearing tonight? You haven't even so much as picked anything up in the two hours we've been here. I usually don't get tired when I'm shopping but sis I'm getting tired."

"It's just a kickback so I was thinking a sweater and some leggings." I wrinkle my nose up at the sheer barely there dress I pull off the rack, that's just begging to get someone charged with indecent exposure.

"You've gotta be shitting me. Scarlett this isn't just any ole kickback." Her already demanding voice rises a few octaves higher and it's causing people to shoot us dirty looks. If she gets any louder, we're going to get kicked out. "This is the BSU's annual fall gathering. It's not going to be just us from Everett, it's going to be fine black men and envy-inducing black girls from within a two-hour radius all in one place. Scarlett this is so exclusive that you need a password to get in and the password changes every hour. This is basically the Met Gala for black students and therefore this is definitely not a 'sweater and leggings' type of event." She says the last part with so much disgust I'm surprised she didn't spit on me.

One thing that needs to be made known about Ricki is that she's...extra. Ricki believes that life is her runaway so, therefore, she must dress accordingly. There hasn't been a time that Ricky has dressed casually. We could go out to McDonald's and she'd still be dressed like she's at a five-star restaurant. Even her pajamas are extra. The girl only sleeps in silk or satin lingerie.

"Okay if it's so exclusive why are we going?" A sense of deja vu runs through me. I pretty much said the exact same thing to Juliette before she dragged me to Lucas's party.

Lucas... God, I've been trying to get him out my head for two weeks now but it's proven to be more difficult than I had previously thought. I don't want to admit it but I'm crushing on him and I'm crushing hard.

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