Future of Healing You

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Hey guys!

Unfortunately, this is not a new chapter :( So sorry to anyone who got their hopes up. I just wanted to touch base with you guys to let you know the future of Healing You. Firstly as ominous as the title sounds, I will be finishing the story. I absolutely hate unfinished books, so it's going to get done. This brings me to my next point. I know, I know that updates are coming slower than a sloth nutting. I'm super aware of it, so commenting about the slow updates are, is doing nothing but annoying me. Just because I'm not updating doesn't mean that I don't get notifications on my phone of your comments and messages. I read them all.

For anyone that doesn't know, I'm in college double majoring and currently taking 21 credits, so I'm much busier than I was last year. What this basically means is that I have very little free time. I would much rather be writing about what happened in Houston with Lucas or writing about Scarlett's recovery process than writing 16-page long research papers, but unfortunately, life doesn't always work like that.

With that being said, I'm definitely trying to rearrange my schedule a tad bit so that I have more time to write. I'm also going to stop promising people updates because I'm never on schedule with them. (My poor sises @SarahSeraphin and @Jasmiinexoxx have been let down for a solid four weeks) At this point, updates are going to be on a "you're going to get them when you get them" basis lol.

Finally, I just wanted to let you all know that I am working on Chapter 62, I just said that I'm not making any promises but be on the lookout for that soon. I just want to finish this story at this point.

Now that that's all squared away, just a few more story-related things. Firstly, I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT HOUSTON. I'M GOING TO REVEAL WHAT HAPPENED IN DUE TIME!!! Secondly, the way you guys go in on Scarlett, oh my lord. I'm trying to write her as a 19-year-old recovering addict. She's a teenager, so yes, she doesn't handle things in the healthiest or the most mature ways, but that's on purpose. Y'all really be coming for my good sis' neck. I wouldn't expect for her to have the best coping mechanisms just yet. She's a flawed character. I'm so tired of Wattpad characters being perfect all the time and knowing exactly what to do in situations. Scarlett is written as realistic as possible in that sense. Lastly, my comment sections are meant to be a safe space for open dialogue. I know Wattpad flags comments for swearing, which is dumb, but I remove comments that attack other users for expressing their views/opinions also. This is a safe platform for us, so I really don't want to see users going in on each other! Be respectful!

I would also like to state that I'm a person as well, meaning that you can interact with me, and I can do the same. Use my comment section to offer me constructive criticism on my writing. Don't like a statement I made? Tell me. Feel like scenes were a little flat? Let me know. IF I MAKE A TYPO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME!!! I hate it when I do my bi-annual revision, and I see dumbass typos I missed. TELL ME. Healing You is an in-progress draft, and I need my lovely readers to let me know how it's going.

If you made it this far, thank you so much. I love you guys to pieces, and I appreciate everyone who has stuck with me this far.

xoxo Mikayla :)

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