Chapter 28

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"Nope Nope Nope. This is where I draw the line. I am not going in there. Nope. Nah. Nada. Fuck no. You need me to say it any other way?"

"But Scarlett. Come on. It's not going to be that bad. I already told her that you're coming so you can't back out now without looking like a bitch. And do you really want to look like a bitch?"

"Okay but I am a bitch. We've been known this. I think it's better that she finds out sooner rather than later."

"Scarlett just get out the car and let's go. My mom's probably watching us arguing thinking 'What the hell is wrong with them?'"

"You can't just put me on the spot like this. You didn't if ask me if I wanted to meet your mom. You just sprang it on me literally 15 minutes ago. I'm sorry if I'm not more enthusiastic."

"I'm aware of what I did. I was there. There's literally no need for you to repeat the events that put in motion, to me "

"I hate you."

"Yea yea yeah. I love you too Scarlett. Now let's go. She's waiting for us." Asher climbs out of my car and jogs around to my side to open my door.

"Wow, a true gentleman." Sarcasm is laced in my voice.

"Don't worry hoe. This isn't me being nice. This is me making sure you didn't pull out the moment I left the car. Now stop being stubborn and let's go." He links our arms together in what I assume to be another attempt at making sure I don't go running off at the last moment.

"You owe me."

"Add it to my tab."

Asher has to be one of the most irksome and annoying people I have ever met. I knew I should've just ignored him the first time we met instead of speaking to him. This is what happens when I try to be nice to people. Never again.

Today after we did our weekly routine of AA and then Grief Counseling, I went to take him home like I always do. Nochanctly he mentions something along the lines of "I'm glad you look nice today. You're meeting my mom." Which bring us to the present.

Now I'm anxious as hell because what if his mom doesn't like me? Not that I care but I care. There's no worse feeling than knowing that you're best friends parents absolutely hate you when you absolutely love their child...most times.

"Mom?" Asher yells. There's no response and I say a silent prayer that she's not home. "She's probably in the kitchen finishing dinner."

"Dinner?! Asher that was not part of the plan. You said to meet her not eat a whole ass dinner with her." I'm trying my best to whisper as he leads me through his home towards the kitchen.

"Oops guess I forgot to mention it. It was an honest mistake." He flashes me a smile that tells me it was anything but a mistake. I could choke him.

Standing in the middle of his kitchen is a short brunette woman with her back to us surrounded by bags with a dragon emblem on them.

"Mom, I'm home and I brought company," Asher announces he starts going through the bags.

"What did I tell you about going through bags that you didn't pay for?" His mom turns around and her brown doe eyes zero in on me. The resemblance she bears to Asher is striking. It's obvious that he favors his mother and there's no way she could ever deny him. From her dark brown bob that looks as if she dyed it to match her chocolate eyes to the light spattering of freckles, she's Asher's twin. She stares at me a little longer than necessary and I can't help but shift under her stare. I wonder if he mentioned that I'm black...?

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