Chapter 46

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Song: 16 Lines by Lil Peep


"Merry Christmas Baby!" Lucas cheeses through my new iPhone XS Max (courtesy of a Mr. Alejandro Sanchez.) My boyfriend is shirtless, and his hair is slightly tousled as if he just woke up, which he probably did considering that it's 7 am, and I've never actually seen the boy up and functioning before noon. My heart gushes as the realization that I was the first thing on his mind this morning sets in.

"Merry Christmas!" I sing song back to him with genuine happiness. Christmas has been a sore spot for me since the accident. I didn't want to celebrate my favorite holiday without my two favorite people by my side. I instead tried to get rid of the ever constant ache that settled in my heart by numbing myself to the pain. But this year it's different. That usual dread that I felt the past two years when the Christmas season approached isn't as intense.

"Where are you? Are you in a car? Why are you in a car?" Lucas spews out the questions as he cranes his neck as if that will help him see more of my surroundings.

"Yes Lucas, I'm in my car because I'm outside of my parent's house." Note the use of my parent's house and not my house. I look over at the red two-story brick house. This house in Hartford's West End that's way too big for two people, and an absent daughter is not and will never be my home. Like the Fort Wherevers that I grew up in, this is just another temporary home, in a temporary place. I haven't felt like I was truly home in years.

"Where did you go?" Lucas raises his eyebrows, making this goofy, over exaggerated look of concern. I try not to laugh but he puts his face right against the camera, and I burst out laughing. "I love to hear you laugh." He says with a massive grin on his face.

"I'm coming from my friend Angel's house. That's where I usually stay when I'm in Connecticut. And damn when did you become my dad? Asking me all these questions and shit." I laugh.

"Daddy," he corrects. "And oh I don't know probably sometime during the multiple times I was eating you out and you were uncontrollably moaning my name out like it was a prayer or something. You sure say 'Oh God' a lot for a girl who doesn't believe in Him."

Instantly my face heats up. I'm probably blushing so much that you can actually see it.

"You know it's been...5 days since my head was buried between your legs," he smirks. I squeeze my legs together as I think back to the day that I left Boston. Lucas kept complaining about how much he would miss me and next thing I know I'm on my third orgasm of the day. "I can't wait until you come back so that I can taste you again. I might just have to come down to Hartford to get my fix, baby girl."

"Why are you like this?" I adjust the scarf on my neck, as I'm suddenly too hot.

"Let's not forget why you're wearing that big ass scarf." He points out. Lucas likes to "mark his territory" so every time he's anywhere near my neck he leaves hickeys, and they're not dainty little hickeys that if I move my hair a certain way no one can see them. They're super dark and literally everywhere. I look like I lost a fight with leeches. I didn't have any concealer at Angel's so I had to resort to wearing a turtleneck and the biggest scarf I could find. I don't want to give my parents a heart attack on my first Christmas back.

"If you didn't bite on my neck like a fucking vampire than we wouldn't have an issue." I mumble.

"You never complain about me sucking on your neck when you're cumming all over my fingers." He states.

"Lucas!" I scream at him. In the short time that we've been apart, I forgot how annoying he is. "I'm hanging up."

"Wait wait I'm kidding. I'll stop." Lucas laughs at my embarrassment. I wish I could smack the smirk off his gorgeous face.

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