Chapter 9

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"Wait- so you're telling me that you don't drink alcohol or coffee? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I half-jokingly ask Scarlett, over our breakfast. After showing up late to our project and then knocking her flat on her ass, I managed to convince her to let me take her out to breakfast. I found out she's the only person in the whole state of Massachusetts who doesn't drink coffee. I bought her a coffee to go along with her blueberry bagel "with extra strawberry cream cheese" as a peace offering, but when I brought it back to the table she gave me a weary smile and told me she doesn't drink it. Like most college students, I love coffee. It's my livelihood. I basically need it to function. I thought coffee was the staple of all student's lives but once again Scarlett proves me wrong.

" I could never get used to the taste. It tastes like bitter sewer water. I fuck heavily with the other hot beverages though." She takes a sip of some spicy tea that I ended up ordering for her.

"You're a freak. Next thing you're going to say is that you don't eat meat." I take a bite of my egg, sausage, and bacon bagel sandwich, part two of my home remedy for hangovers, that the girl who never drinks alcohol, swears doesn't work. It's working pretty well for me.

"I don't. Sometimes on weekends, I cheat, but it's been almost a year since I did that."

I dramatically drop my sandwich and gape at her, which results in her rolling her eyes and giving me another one of her blinding smiles, "Seriously? Scarlett Carmichael, you're a strange girl." I think for a minute and continue on "So let's say someone invited you out for burgers on a Saturday evening. Would you go? And would you actually eat?"

She raises her eyebrow up at me. "Are you asking me if I want to go out for burgers with you? Because that sounds like a date and I'm definitely not going out on a date with you, Lucas Bellini."

There she goes again, devastating my ego. Girls would kill over going on a date with me. She doesn't know how lucky she is that I'm even offering. "It's not a date if you're paying for yourself. I usually pay on dates." It's partially true. If I were to go on dates I would pay, but I don't so I never had that issue.

" Well, in that case, yea I'd go if I was invited out. "

"Great. You're invited. Does seven work for you?"


After having breakfast with Scarlett, we find ourselves sitting in a corner of the campus library. Scarlett has all these fantastic ideas for how we should rewrite Romeo and Juliet and it's hard for me to be a productive partner because I agree with everything she says. She'll say 'Do you like this idea or that idea better?' And I'll say 'both' which results in an exasperated sigh from her. We go back and forth like this for the next two hours before she gives up on me. I offer to drive her back to her dorm since I notice that she's still limping from her fall, but she declines and instead limps out of the library.

What I really wanted to do was snatch her up and take her to a family friend of mine that's also a doctor to get her checked out. (Not that I haven't been doing that all day.) I'm pretty sure she sprained something or at the very least has some severe bruising, but she refused all the offers I made throughout breakfast. 

That's one thing I've come to learn about Scarlett. She's extremely stubborn and prideful. She didn't even let me open the door for her. Besides the one time I opened the door for her, she's been opening her own doors. Usually, girls fall apart when I open doors for them, mostly due to the fact that girls here haven't been exposed to chivalry, but Scarlett doesn't give any fucks about chivalry. 

And I think I like that.

It doesn't hit me that I'm taking a girl out to dinner, until after I get back to my house. I've never offered to take a girl out to dinner, let alone actually went to dinner with a girl. I don't usually like to be seen out in public with girls because I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm off the market and finally "settled down" and I don't want the girl to get the wrong idea that I want more than the physical aspect of our "relationship." 

Somehow Scarlett is making me break all my set in stone rules. I don't know what it is about her. I met the girl a week ago and now I can't stop thinking about her. I thought that ramping up my sexual conquests would help make me forget about her and it does temporarily but once it's all said and done, she's at the forefront of my mind again. It's starting to annoy me.

I don't think I have feelings for Scarlett. Having actual feelings for a chick besides the feeling of wanting to fuck them senseless hasn't been a part of my life since I was 15 and had my first (and last girlfriend.) She cheated on me with someone who I thought was my best friend and ever since then my relationships with chicks have been purely physical. Once you add emotions to the mix people start getting hurt. 

I'm pretty sure my fascination with Scarlett stems from the fact that she's the complete opposite of every girl I've met on campus.

It's kinda like you go into the same old ice cream shop you've been going into for years. You've tasted all 31 flavors (some flavors more than once), but now you see that they're offering a new flavor that's never been offered in all the years you've been going there. It's limited edition and you can tell that no one has ever tried the flavor before, so you want it because you know it's going to be better than all the bland ass flavors that they had before. You think it's the flavors to end all other flavors, but you know deep down that once you finally taste this new flavor, you'll get over your desire to have it and you'll finally be able to get it out of your mind.

Scarlett is the new limited edition flavor that I just need to taste of so I can move on from this fascination with her.

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