Chapter 29

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Saturday nights are usually spent with me getting shitfaced at a party for some lame frat-like Kappa Kappa my ass or something along the lines of that and then me taking home whatever girl is lucky enough to have caught my attention for the night.

What Saturdays are not for is me being anxious about spending time with Scarlett or even hanging out with girls in general. I know we hang out all the time except this time it's different because tonight it's just her and me. The guys left about an hour ago and if they stick to their usual schedule they won't come stumbling in until around 4 am, which gives me more than enough time with her.

I specifically asked her to come over and there was no "Let's get something to eat" to cover the fact that I wanted to spend time with her. Scarlett and I always do the same thing, thinly veiled dates under the cover of two friends hanging out. This routine is starting to get stale. If I'm being honest with myself, I want more.

Never have I been nervous about being alone with a girl, not even in middle school when I first started "dating." I've always been smooth and direct with the ladies. I never worried about rejection because I knew the girls I was pursuing wanted me way more than I wanted them so I always have the upper hand in that matter.

Scarlett is in a league of her own. I know that I can't just fuck her and dump her like I did the other women who've passed through my sheets and it's not something I want to do with Scarlett. I want more than that with her, but I don't know if that's what she wants. Most times Scarlett seems like she's annoyed and irritated with me and I can't tell if that's all for show, or if it's real. Which is why I'm nervous. If she rejects me I don't know how I'll deal with it. I never felt this way over a girl. Ever. 

It's nerve wrecking.

The doorbell rings and my heart jumps.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I swing the door open to reveal, an extremely bundled up Scarlett. I laugh at her large winter puffer coat, scarf, gloves, and hat. It's a cool 45 out so I don't know she's dressing like it's the middle of winter.

"Don't laugh at me you ass, I was freezing." She pushes past me and starts unbundling.

"You would think that a girl who lived in Syracuse would be okay with a little cold. There's not even snow on the ground."

"Who even cares? Where do you want me to put my coat?"

"Just throw it anywhere." I wipe my hands on my sweats.

"If you say so," She throws everything on the floor in the foyer, in true Scarlett not giving a fuck fashion. "So what's the plan for tonight?"

"Well...I was thinking we could go down to the basement..."

"I thought the man cave was a sacred place where hoes weren't allowed. At least that's what Alex said last time I was here."

"First of all you are not a hoe, second Alex is dumb as hell, and third I make the rules here and If I want you down there you will."

Her response is a smirk so I go on "Anyways we go down into the man cave and we eat popcorn, watch some movies, and maybe make out a little." I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me. The scent of coconut floods my senses. I've grown to love coconuts thanks to Scarlett.

"Sounds like a plan." She whispers against my lips, before softly kissing me. Her lips are soft and full and I can easily stand here and kiss her forever. Too bad I can't. She pulls away far too soon and gives me a shy smile.

"Let's get to those movies."


The one thing that I'm good at is girls. If I could, I'd major in them. I know how to get into their heads, what they like, and most importantly how to please them. Tonight my plan is to sit in the dark with Scarlett and watch some of the scariest movies out there until she falls for me. It's the oldest trick in the book, but the most effective.

"So here's the lineup for tonight. We have some recent hits It, The Conjuring, and Don't Breathe, and then we have the classics like The Exorcist, Silence Of The Lambs and Halloween, so pick your poison."

Scarlett visibly flinches as I list off the movies. She must doesn't like scary movies, which works for me. That just means she'll be up under my arm the entire time.

"That's all you have?"

"Yea. Is it a problem?" I challenge. Scarlett has way too much pride to admit that she doesn't like scary movies so I don't expect her to admit her aversion to them.

"Nope not all." Although the tone of her voice tells an entirely different story.

"Alright then." I pick It first since it's the less scary of the bunch, and I can use it to gauge her reactions. I turn off the lights so that the TV is the only thing illuminating the basement and settle down onto the sofa. Scarlett sits almost on the completely opposite side of the couch. She's uncomfortably stiff and obviously nervous. That makes both of us although I'm handling it better than her.

"Do I stink or something?" I laugh out.

"W-what?" She's flustered and I laugh some more. Its a cute change to see the almost always well put together Scarlett so uncoordinated. It makes me like her even more for some reason.

"I don't bite...unless you want me to." I lean over and whisper to her, startling her.

Scarlett's eyes narrow and she presses her lips into a thin line, a telling sign that she's annoyed with me. She moves close enough to me that our legs touch. Scarlett squirms around trying to find a position that doesn't result in her basically lying on top of me but after a few failed attempts she finally settles for leaning up against my arm. Lazily, I slip my arm around her, which results in her relaxing into the crook of my arm. She doesn't protest and a goofy smile crosses my face.

This has to one of my greatest ideas yet. Throughout the entire movie, Scarlett has been hiding her face in my chest, which allows for her to get even closer to me. I have to remember this for next time. Watch Scary movies with Scarlett so she can keep pressing her body against mine. The ending credits of The Exorcist rolls across the screen.

"Which movie next Scarlett?" The only response I get is the ending music for the movie.


Scarlett's quietly sleeping on my chest right above my heart, with her mouth slightly parted and her breath coming out slowly and rhythmically. Even under the soft glow of the tv, she looks beautiful. My heart lurches at the sight of her and a thought crosses my mind before I can even register it.

I really, really like this girl.


Another uninteresting, unedited chapter because I'm terrible woo!

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