Earth Skills

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Jennifer Tanner
Episode 2, Part 1

I sat over by the fire my small notebook in hand as I continued making blueprints of the wall around camp. I started putting in small buildings as well. There would be an area where we could set up tents and one where we could dry the meat from game we get out in the woods. A place to set up rations with food, and a place where we would ration water. So far I've only found a few flaws but as soon as Clarke gets back I'd like to go over it with her. An extra pair of eyes from someone who was also involved in engineering on the Ark would be great to have.

"Hey, where'd you get the clothes?" I heard a voice. I looked up to see Wells standing next to another boy. I think it may have been Atom but I wasn't sure.

"Buried the two kids who died during landing." Wells responded.

Atom eyed the clothing. "Smart. You know, I'll take it from here,"  Atom began reaching for the clothes, "there's always a market for-" He got cut off when Wells shoved him away.

"We share based on need, just like back home." He said as he backed away.

"You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor?" My heart dropped to my stomach and my chest ached when I saw Bellamy walk out of the drop ship shirtless. A girl following behind him wearing only her pants and a sports bra. I looked away as he kissed her and she passed by me. Why the hell do I let his stupid hook-ups bother me?

I don't know, Jen. Maybe it's because you've liked this boy since you were fifteen? I argued with myself. I just sighed and shook the thought out of my head.

"This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." Bellamy walked towards Wells and snatched one of the shirts out of his hand. Wells started after Bellamy but Atom pushed him back.

"No, Atom, hold up." Bellamy told Atom. The boy left Wells alone and Bellamy stepped towards him. "You want it back? Take it."

Wells stared him down before sighing and throwing them to the ground behind him. A bunch of teenage boys attacked the pile. Wells turned back to the curly-haired, olive skinned boy. "Is this what you want? Chaos?"

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy asked as he shrugged on the t-shirt he took from Wells. I stood up and marched over towards the two.

Bellamy noticed me and his eyes widened a bit as he looked in the direction the girl from earlier went. I opened my mouth to say something but got cut off by a scream. It came from the direction of where the fire was last night. I frowned and put my notebook and pencil back into my pocket before jogging over there. Bellamy and Wells were hot on my heels.

When we got over there we saw Murphy holding a girl over the fire. I ran over there quickly. "Murphy, what the hell?" I demanded.

"Shut up, Princess." Murphy growled at me before turning to Bellamy who stood by Wells. "Bellamy. Check it out. We want the Ark to think the ground is killing us, right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first."

"Murphy, let her go." I told him. He looked at me. Then back to Bellamy before laughing.

"Let her go!" Wells growled as he ran up and shoved Murphy down. I quickly helped the girl up and pulled her away from Murphy and the fire. She clung on to me and whimpered.

"Sh, it's okay." I comforted her quietly. Bellamy looked in my direction but his eyes went right through me. At this precise moment I was invisible to him, because he knew that one word from me could end all of this. So if he didn't see me, he didn't hear me. He was trying to maintain his control. In the process of doing this, he  was injuring those around him.

Ste yuj.// Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now