Day Trip.

171 8 1

Jennifer Tanner
Episode 8, Part 1

I sat in front of Xavier, a bucket of clean water next to me and a damp cloth in my hand. Clarke was on the other side of the room, trying to care for the other's wounds. He was fighting her.

"Hey, look, I need to clean this." He continued to fight against her. I looked behind me to see her failing miserably. In that moment Octavia climbed up. 

"Here, let me try." The brunnette offered as she took the cloth out of Clarke's hand. The man willingly opened his hand so Octavia could clean it.

"I never wanted him to get hurt, Octavia." Clarke looked towards me. "Either of them." I glanced to Xavier's closed eyes. He allowed himself to sleep when everyone left, knowing that I was here must've been what made him feel safe. "You have to know that." Clarke begged. "I just wanted to save Finn."

"For the record, you didn't save Finn. That was me." Octavia said in a montone voice. "But whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better."

Clarke turned to leave, her eyes finding Xavier and I. "I'm sorry." She said to me. 

I nodded my head towards her and gave her a sad smile. "I know." And with that she climbed back down the ladder. I looked back at Xavier to see his eyes were open and watching me. I held my finger up to my lips, telling him not to speak, then I pointed to Miller.

He slowly nodded his head. I continued to clean the gashes on his chest and back. They looked better after being cleaned up a bit. I could hear Octavia whispering to the man across the room.

I sighed and looked at Xavier. "I should've never let you walk me back to camp. I'm sorry." I whispered as I looked down. "I didn't know he would do this." I let a tear slip, it was so quiet in the room that the sound of it hitting the metal floor sounded like a large crash even though it was only a small clink. Xavier leaned his head forward and placed a light kiss on my forehead. I looked up at him and gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Hey." Miller's voice echoed from his spot against the wall. I jumped, almost forgetting that he was up here. He stood and walked over to Octavia. "He just say something?" He askd her. I stood and turned to face them. 

"No." She responded quickly as she continued to clean his hand. The man's eyes never left her face.

"You know your brother doesn't want you up here, Octavia." Then he turned to me. "Or you. Let's go." I rolled my eyes, but nodded my head. I turned and gave Xavier a silent goodbye before following Octavia down the hatch.

I stood outside of the drop ship and watched the juveniles around me clean up the mess the storm left behind.  Clarke and Bellamy were talking and I knew it was about the prisoners. I just didn't want to know what it was. Clarke walked away from Bellamy and he turned noticing me standing by myself. 

"Hey." He said as he walked up.

"I already tried helping." I said bitterly. "Clarke told me not to. She said my ankle wasn't too bad but I shouldn't push it."

"Agreed." He said simply as he stood next to me, also looking over the teenagers. "Look, J-"

"Don't. Don't apologize. Don't tell me you didn't want to do it." I turned to him and shook my head. "Bell, all you had to do was trust me." I whispered. "I get it, if you hadn't brought him here Finn would be dead. I understand that. But, everything you did. It was obvious he wasn't planning on giving up any information until Octavia took over. So everything you did to him, to the other one, it wasn't necessary."

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